Wednesday, September 2, 2009

LMAO at Cash for Clunkers

Isn't it funny that the government wanted to BOOST auto sales of "green" vehicles by the "Buy your Neighbor a Car Program"

Oh Dave what do you mean? It means my tax dollars were used to buy my neighbor a car because when I bought a car the gov't made sure they provided ZERO incentives for it.

The fact of the matter is that 1.3 million vehicles were sold (which averages out to over 15 million vehicles per year like the good 'ol days) And you wil lsee it was the best month of the year, as expected and it will help show a positive Q3 GDP. Forget the fact that sales are now going to PLUMMET, why don't we look at those firms the government saves. As the article I posted states. Fiat who was given Chrysler based on you, the taxpayer's dime, boatsted a whopping 15 % sales decline from last year and Government Motors boasted a whopping 20% decline in auto sales.

I wonder how humorous Barry Obama finds it that his own firms that he decided he wanted to run are continuing to choke the big one!!! It's not like they weren't in trouble in August of 2008, and their sales are still lower. Lets remind ourselves of some things here

Ok now that we got that thru and we know Obama finds it funny that he's screwing over not just the bondholders that he screwed over via telling the United States Constitutional Laws to go screw it, he'll find new ways of making up Bankruptcy 363 laws in NY (which isn't where the firms we're headquartered or operated) to change the rules of the game. Then we have people like foul ass low life pathetic worthless waste of human flesh, Judge Aruthur Gonzalez let himself be intimidated by the Messiah himself, Barry Obama.

Well, at least Americans are catching onto this lowlife in the oval office. his approval ratings are plummeting as he goes on vacation and sings the sorrows of Ted Kennedy in hopes it will help push Cuban style heath care thru rather that good quality health care reform, which sadly I don;ty think any of the 535 people in Congress are trying to do. NOT ONE!! I'm part of the 57% that says they all must go. From the RATS to the CANNOTS. Why do you think I ripped on Juim Inhofe the other day? I'm not one-sided and when I hear a CANNOT (do any good Inhofe) say something like that, he hopefully just voted himself out of office whenever his term is up. What a low life piece of vermin getting paid six figured while I have to work 60 hours a week to get by and get no respect for it. What bullshit!

Anyway the point here is that the government (nor the UAW) can run a car company) As we see, the best month for auto sales continues to show declines for the UAW company Chrysler and the Obama company, Government Motors. When will the government learn that they shoudl stay the hell out of out business and let us manager things ourselves. The peopel should have to figure it out for themselves. You know they say you learn more from your mistakes. So let people fail so they can learn!! That's why education is such garbage now. People are told they have to be God (trust me I was treated like I have to be God, I know how daunting it is) and if they're not and they're illegal immigrants, well, fuck it, let us pay for it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Research tells us Obama lying about illegals getting health care

Straight from the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR.)

Last Tuesday, the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which is the non-partisan "research arm" of the United States Congress, issued a report that concludes that illegal aliens will be able to receive benefits under the House health care bill (H.R. 3200) through two major loopholes. (See CRS Report and FAIR Press Release, August 26, 2009).

According to its own website, CRS is a legislative branch agency that provides Congress with "policy and legal analysis" that is authoritative, objective and accurate. (CRS website). The latest CRS report validates what FAIR has been saying for the past month and a half — that illegal aliens will be able to receive taxpayer-funded health benefits under the House health care bill. (See FAIR's Legislative Updates, July 20, 2009; July 27, 2009 and August 3, 2009).

The House bill creates an "exchange" and "all individuals," which would include illegal aliens, are eligible to participate in the exchange. Anyone who participates in the exchange, and does not otherwise have health insurance, can either enroll in the public option plan created by the House bill or enroll in a private insurance plan. Accordingly, the first loophole that provides illegal aliens with health insurance is the ability for illegal aliens to freely enroll in the taxpayer-subsidized public option. According to CRS, "H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on non-citizens — whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently — from participating in the Exchange." (CRS Report). Accordingly, illegal aliens can enroll in the public option, courtesy of the American taxpayers, to meet their health insurance needs. (See, August 2009).

The second major loophole is the failure to require any meaningful verification procedure for taxpayer-subsidized insurance credits. Under the House bill, individuals who buy private insurance through the Exchange may receive an affordability credit to offset the cost of insurance. This credit is ostensibly limited to individuals lawfully present in the U.S., but CRS (like FAIR) notes the complete absence of any provision in the House bill that requires verification of eligibility for the affordability credits. Without such a mechanism, there is nothing in the bill that will prevent illegal aliens from receiving this taxpayer subsidy to buy private health insurance.

These conclusions by CRS should eliminate any remaining doubt about whether illegal aliens will receive health benefits under the bill. As a result of this report, President Obama can no longer characterize the concerns about the illegal alien health care loophole under the bill as "misinformation." (See FAIR's Legislative Update, August 24, 2009 and FAIR's Health Care Podcast, August 24, 2009). In addition, Members of Congress can no longer claim the bill prevents coverage for illegal aliens, and the media can no longer suggest this concern is a "myth." (See FAIR's House bill summary and, August 27, 2009).

Listen at 17:53 to 19:00:

The message above should tell you who the liar is!!! That is BOTH Robert Gibbs AND President Barack Hussein Obama!! JUST LIKE GEORGE W. BUSH BEING A GOD DAMN LIAR (I apologize to the relgious folks, I'm agnostic and need emphasis!) I ask you all, is it right that you have to pay for something and illegal immigrants can get the same benefits without being fined, without having to pay for it? I've already showed how the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (aka Mussolini in my book) called illegal immigrants patriots!! They broke our laws yet they're patriots. I guess that means if I rob a store I'm a patriot but because I work and pay taxes I'm Un-American!! How do you feel about being Un-American?? Don't you think illegal immigrants should get the boot and come here the legal way, like our ancestors had to do?? What makes the so freggin special. Their shit stinks too!

How is non law abiding, non citizens getting better treatment than law abiding citizens right??? Well that's what will happen if this bs goes thru. Granted it already happens but it will happen to a larger degree afterwards! As I say, get a COP at the ER and deport every illegal as they show up. Take them in for breaking the law and deport their asses!!! I don't care how sick they are. You know what, you shouldn't have broken the law to come here, we'll fee you to the sharks in the ocean. That'll teach the illegal immigrants to come here the proper way. Cuz nice guys finish last and if anyone knows that, I do.

While on the topic of llegal immgrants, did you know they can collect welfare? My uncle whose goingto lose soem disability because he was apparently collecting illegally for some time, was in the Social Security office. My brother was telling me there was a guy there complain that he could not collect disability because he was not a citizen. He was told to go to the welfare office. That means you can break our freggin laws and take our tax payer money. WTF is that? When will our government stand up for ITS OWN PEOPLE and not EVERYONE ELSE'S. go read below cuz after my brother told m,e that story I looked up more on FAIR.

Illegal Immigration is a Burden on the Taxpayer

The costs of illegal immigration to the taxpayer are numerous, but the largest costs are education of their children, emergency medical care and incarceration for those arrested for crimes. Despite being ineligible, some illegal aliens also get welfare the same way they get jobs: with identity documents falsely identifying them as U.S. citizens. In addition, if they have U.S.-born children, they may collect welfare assistance in the name of those children. The annual net cost of illegal immigrants (after subtracting their tax payments) to the American taxpayer is likely to be more than $45 billion. Our recent study of the net fiscal “Costs of illegal immigration to Californians” estimated the partial costs at $10.5 billion in that state alone.

Washingon politicians show they're corrupt and compromised

This is why BOTH sides in our government are to put it bluntly. FUCKED UP!!

Republicannot Senator Jim Inhofe said he will not read the Health Care bill but will simply just vote against and and would rather wait until after the 2010 elections to deal with it. What does this tell you??

What this tells me is that he don't give a damn what's in the bill. He figures the CANNOTS will take over at the mid-term elections cuz the RATS will lose seats. They may but seriously, we the people want you to READ THE FUCKING BILL which doesn't mean oh RAT proposal I'll vote that down, oh CANNOT proposal, I'll vote for that. GET The hell out of public office.

You are being paid by the freggin taxpayer, read the damn bill!!! I hope there's a CANNOT in Oklahoma (which obviously is not OK unlike their license plates) who will run against this clown and get him out of office.

Yes we want solutions but to ignore what the RATS propose and not FIGHT FOR YOUR PEOPLE to get a compromise and a change i nthe wording to make it not as terrible on we the American people is your duty. Force concessions and you can still vote against it but if it gets passed anyway cuz the RATS have a soon to once again be filibuster proof Senate (Sen. Kennedy dying won't change things except for the extreme short term till some other RAT takes his place) The whole point is if it does go through, we the people might be be screwed as bad. that is what you should be fighting for because no matter what, there's a bill that's going to go to the floor.

These imbeciles in Washington don't get it. You're getting paid by OUR MONEY and you DO NOT deserve to be paid a nickel when you refuse to read the bill and do the people's work that you so signed up to do for your 6 years as a Senator. IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DO YOUR DAMN JOB, THEN ROT AWAY YOU WORTH LESS PIECE OF GARBAGE

I'm against the healthcare bill I've seen, HR 3200 but that doesn't mean I won't read the bill. It would be my job, even more so as a Congressman. I as a voter want to read it to know how I might be getting screwed!! And I'm not doing the people's business, nor do I have the right to vote on this bill because this is a Republic, not a Democracy, get it straight!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Recovery continues

Well the lovely Sheila Bair came out today to tell us more about problem banks in America. We learned today that the FDIC has raised the number of problem banks to 416. Now this is a serious question!! Why is it that the stock market continues to go up every week and virtually everyday when we continue to see terrible news like this.

Doesn't an improving economy mean that people are paying their loans? Does it means there's more borrowing? Does it mean there's more spending?? Oh shoot I forgot... it's the government that's doing all the spending, and the people spend when they're going to get taxpayer dollars like Cash for Clunkers or the like Cash for Appliances soon.

I guess really the only thing that matters is the stock market. If it's going higher it means everything is wonderful. The market P/E is 19 times earnings which is fairly high, but whatevr we can make it 20 times in three weeks and make that 21 times and what the hell, stocks that are 300 times earnings are of good value. I found a stupid way to believe that in 1999 but it was just that.. stupid!

Now I laugh about the stocks aod Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Didn't Hanky Panky put them into conservatorship? that's like bankruptcy right? Why are these stocks going up?? Why isn't the stock canceled. Does this make any sense whatsoever. All the banks got screwed on the preferred stock but the common shareholders who come after the preferred and making moeny like bandits. Why has this country run so ass backwards??

Well all I can say is hey the more banks that fail the better it is for the economy. Cuz the economy is improving because the stock market goes up and it doesn't matter if you even go bankrupt like Fannie and Freddie now. You can still see your stock price go higher because hey, it's the taxpayer's money, no big deal. Isn't that why AIG is up like over 40% this week. Cuz the worse it is, the better it is, right?? Yeah

So I guess Warren Buffet is a slob and the illegal immigrant from Mexico can be sitting in jail getting a $250 stimulus check from out government?? Oh I have no proof it's goingto an illegal immigrant, I just know prisoners are getting my tax dollars and the RATS say oh it's ok just fix the problem. Imagine they accidentally sent me a check and I cashed it. The IRS sent me a $2800 check a couple years ago. What if I said oh free money. I bet they would have come after me. Waited till year 7 so they could capture all the interest and such. I knew better though. These criminal. Oh no sweat it's their to keep now! Should I go to jail so I can keep that $2800 next time? Didn't one need to "file" to get a $250 check? So the inmates are filing returns? Are they eligible? Like this makes no sense to me. Does it to you?

Not just did they receive them but over half were allowed to keep them. Oh but Dave 2,200 people is only $550,000. Well then could I have kept that $2800 cuz it was only $2800. Of course not. It's wrong. This is a matter of principle here and your going to let them keep the money, I think your salaries should be cut by $550,000 PLUS time value of money on the global scale (screw US interest rates cuz you want the New World Order anyway.) Of cours it's you the taxpayer that will in the end have to recover this $550,000. Now I see why we have recovery. Giving money to prisoners, bailing out Goldman Sachs, bailing out JP Morgan, bailing out Citigroup, bailing out AIG, bailing out Bank of America. Bailing out those who don't pay their mortgage cuz they spend beyond their means and u need them to do that now too with Cash for Clunkers passing by, now u need cash for appliances. Lovely!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lets ramp up the government waste

Now that Cash for Clunkers is over, why don't we do cash for more foreign made products to help worsen our trade deficit. Yes folks as reported all over the place, the next program is cash for appliances

Because there's nothing like trying to coerce propel to remain in debt and then hear the Administration come out and say, look retail sales are getting better. Looks businesses are making more profit, LOOK, we're fucking bankrupt and you're not going to see your Social Security anymore

Keep the faith folks, it's still baseball season

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Maybe we don't need to Audit the Fed now

Dating back to Nov. 7th of 2008, Bloomberg News has won a Freedom Of Information Act request against the Federal Reserve to find out who was getting trillions and trillions of taxpayer money. Does anyone remember Bernanke saying this hunk of garbage??

Now we'll know what firms are destroying our nation and who should be out of business, so long as the Federal Reserve complies!!
Bloomberg Lawsuit Judgment