Wednesday, September 2, 2009

LMAO at Cash for Clunkers

Isn't it funny that the government wanted to BOOST auto sales of "green" vehicles by the "Buy your Neighbor a Car Program"

Oh Dave what do you mean? It means my tax dollars were used to buy my neighbor a car because when I bought a car the gov't made sure they provided ZERO incentives for it.

The fact of the matter is that 1.3 million vehicles were sold (which averages out to over 15 million vehicles per year like the good 'ol days) And you wil lsee it was the best month of the year, as expected and it will help show a positive Q3 GDP. Forget the fact that sales are now going to PLUMMET, why don't we look at those firms the government saves. As the article I posted states. Fiat who was given Chrysler based on you, the taxpayer's dime, boatsted a whopping 15 % sales decline from last year and Government Motors boasted a whopping 20% decline in auto sales.

I wonder how humorous Barry Obama finds it that his own firms that he decided he wanted to run are continuing to choke the big one!!! It's not like they weren't in trouble in August of 2008, and their sales are still lower. Lets remind ourselves of some things here

Ok now that we got that thru and we know Obama finds it funny that he's screwing over not just the bondholders that he screwed over via telling the United States Constitutional Laws to go screw it, he'll find new ways of making up Bankruptcy 363 laws in NY (which isn't where the firms we're headquartered or operated) to change the rules of the game. Then we have people like foul ass low life pathetic worthless waste of human flesh, Judge Aruthur Gonzalez let himself be intimidated by the Messiah himself, Barry Obama.

Well, at least Americans are catching onto this lowlife in the oval office. his approval ratings are plummeting as he goes on vacation and sings the sorrows of Ted Kennedy in hopes it will help push Cuban style heath care thru rather that good quality health care reform, which sadly I don;ty think any of the 535 people in Congress are trying to do. NOT ONE!! I'm part of the 57% that says they all must go. From the RATS to the CANNOTS. Why do you think I ripped on Juim Inhofe the other day? I'm not one-sided and when I hear a CANNOT (do any good Inhofe) say something like that, he hopefully just voted himself out of office whenever his term is up. What a low life piece of vermin getting paid six figured while I have to work 60 hours a week to get by and get no respect for it. What bullshit!

Anyway the point here is that the government (nor the UAW) can run a car company) As we see, the best month for auto sales continues to show declines for the UAW company Chrysler and the Obama company, Government Motors. When will the government learn that they shoudl stay the hell out of out business and let us manager things ourselves. The peopel should have to figure it out for themselves. You know they say you learn more from your mistakes. So let people fail so they can learn!! That's why education is such garbage now. People are told they have to be God (trust me I was treated like I have to be God, I know how daunting it is) and if they're not and they're illegal immigrants, well, fuck it, let us pay for it.