Wednesday, September 2, 2009

LMAO at Cash for Clunkers

Isn't it funny that the government wanted to BOOST auto sales of "green" vehicles by the "Buy your Neighbor a Car Program"

Oh Dave what do you mean? It means my tax dollars were used to buy my neighbor a car because when I bought a car the gov't made sure they provided ZERO incentives for it.

The fact of the matter is that 1.3 million vehicles were sold (which averages out to over 15 million vehicles per year like the good 'ol days) And you wil lsee it was the best month of the year, as expected and it will help show a positive Q3 GDP. Forget the fact that sales are now going to PLUMMET, why don't we look at those firms the government saves. As the article I posted states. Fiat who was given Chrysler based on you, the taxpayer's dime, boatsted a whopping 15 % sales decline from last year and Government Motors boasted a whopping 20% decline in auto sales.

I wonder how humorous Barry Obama finds it that his own firms that he decided he wanted to run are continuing to choke the big one!!! It's not like they weren't in trouble in August of 2008, and their sales are still lower. Lets remind ourselves of some things here

Ok now that we got that thru and we know Obama finds it funny that he's screwing over not just the bondholders that he screwed over via telling the United States Constitutional Laws to go screw it, he'll find new ways of making up Bankruptcy 363 laws in NY (which isn't where the firms we're headquartered or operated) to change the rules of the game. Then we have people like foul ass low life pathetic worthless waste of human flesh, Judge Aruthur Gonzalez let himself be intimidated by the Messiah himself, Barry Obama.

Well, at least Americans are catching onto this lowlife in the oval office. his approval ratings are plummeting as he goes on vacation and sings the sorrows of Ted Kennedy in hopes it will help push Cuban style heath care thru rather that good quality health care reform, which sadly I don;ty think any of the 535 people in Congress are trying to do. NOT ONE!! I'm part of the 57% that says they all must go. From the RATS to the CANNOTS. Why do you think I ripped on Juim Inhofe the other day? I'm not one-sided and when I hear a CANNOT (do any good Inhofe) say something like that, he hopefully just voted himself out of office whenever his term is up. What a low life piece of vermin getting paid six figured while I have to work 60 hours a week to get by and get no respect for it. What bullshit!

Anyway the point here is that the government (nor the UAW) can run a car company) As we see, the best month for auto sales continues to show declines for the UAW company Chrysler and the Obama company, Government Motors. When will the government learn that they shoudl stay the hell out of out business and let us manager things ourselves. The peopel should have to figure it out for themselves. You know they say you learn more from your mistakes. So let people fail so they can learn!! That's why education is such garbage now. People are told they have to be God (trust me I was treated like I have to be God, I know how daunting it is) and if they're not and they're illegal immigrants, well, fuck it, let us pay for it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Research tells us Obama lying about illegals getting health care

Straight from the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR.)

Last Tuesday, the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which is the non-partisan "research arm" of the United States Congress, issued a report that concludes that illegal aliens will be able to receive benefits under the House health care bill (H.R. 3200) through two major loopholes. (See CRS Report and FAIR Press Release, August 26, 2009).

According to its own website, CRS is a legislative branch agency that provides Congress with "policy and legal analysis" that is authoritative, objective and accurate. (CRS website). The latest CRS report validates what FAIR has been saying for the past month and a half — that illegal aliens will be able to receive taxpayer-funded health benefits under the House health care bill. (See FAIR's Legislative Updates, July 20, 2009; July 27, 2009 and August 3, 2009).

The House bill creates an "exchange" and "all individuals," which would include illegal aliens, are eligible to participate in the exchange. Anyone who participates in the exchange, and does not otherwise have health insurance, can either enroll in the public option plan created by the House bill or enroll in a private insurance plan. Accordingly, the first loophole that provides illegal aliens with health insurance is the ability for illegal aliens to freely enroll in the taxpayer-subsidized public option. According to CRS, "H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on non-citizens — whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently — from participating in the Exchange." (CRS Report). Accordingly, illegal aliens can enroll in the public option, courtesy of the American taxpayers, to meet their health insurance needs. (See, August 2009).

The second major loophole is the failure to require any meaningful verification procedure for taxpayer-subsidized insurance credits. Under the House bill, individuals who buy private insurance through the Exchange may receive an affordability credit to offset the cost of insurance. This credit is ostensibly limited to individuals lawfully present in the U.S., but CRS (like FAIR) notes the complete absence of any provision in the House bill that requires verification of eligibility for the affordability credits. Without such a mechanism, there is nothing in the bill that will prevent illegal aliens from receiving this taxpayer subsidy to buy private health insurance.

These conclusions by CRS should eliminate any remaining doubt about whether illegal aliens will receive health benefits under the bill. As a result of this report, President Obama can no longer characterize the concerns about the illegal alien health care loophole under the bill as "misinformation." (See FAIR's Legislative Update, August 24, 2009 and FAIR's Health Care Podcast, August 24, 2009). In addition, Members of Congress can no longer claim the bill prevents coverage for illegal aliens, and the media can no longer suggest this concern is a "myth." (See FAIR's House bill summary and, August 27, 2009).

Listen at 17:53 to 19:00:

The message above should tell you who the liar is!!! That is BOTH Robert Gibbs AND President Barack Hussein Obama!! JUST LIKE GEORGE W. BUSH BEING A GOD DAMN LIAR (I apologize to the relgious folks, I'm agnostic and need emphasis!) I ask you all, is it right that you have to pay for something and illegal immigrants can get the same benefits without being fined, without having to pay for it? I've already showed how the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (aka Mussolini in my book) called illegal immigrants patriots!! They broke our laws yet they're patriots. I guess that means if I rob a store I'm a patriot but because I work and pay taxes I'm Un-American!! How do you feel about being Un-American?? Don't you think illegal immigrants should get the boot and come here the legal way, like our ancestors had to do?? What makes the so freggin special. Their shit stinks too!

How is non law abiding, non citizens getting better treatment than law abiding citizens right??? Well that's what will happen if this bs goes thru. Granted it already happens but it will happen to a larger degree afterwards! As I say, get a COP at the ER and deport every illegal as they show up. Take them in for breaking the law and deport their asses!!! I don't care how sick they are. You know what, you shouldn't have broken the law to come here, we'll fee you to the sharks in the ocean. That'll teach the illegal immigrants to come here the proper way. Cuz nice guys finish last and if anyone knows that, I do.

While on the topic of llegal immgrants, did you know they can collect welfare? My uncle whose goingto lose soem disability because he was apparently collecting illegally for some time, was in the Social Security office. My brother was telling me there was a guy there complain that he could not collect disability because he was not a citizen. He was told to go to the welfare office. That means you can break our freggin laws and take our tax payer money. WTF is that? When will our government stand up for ITS OWN PEOPLE and not EVERYONE ELSE'S. go read below cuz after my brother told m,e that story I looked up more on FAIR.

Illegal Immigration is a Burden on the Taxpayer

The costs of illegal immigration to the taxpayer are numerous, but the largest costs are education of their children, emergency medical care and incarceration for those arrested for crimes. Despite being ineligible, some illegal aliens also get welfare the same way they get jobs: with identity documents falsely identifying them as U.S. citizens. In addition, if they have U.S.-born children, they may collect welfare assistance in the name of those children. The annual net cost of illegal immigrants (after subtracting their tax payments) to the American taxpayer is likely to be more than $45 billion. Our recent study of the net fiscal “Costs of illegal immigration to Californians” estimated the partial costs at $10.5 billion in that state alone.

Washingon politicians show they're corrupt and compromised

This is why BOTH sides in our government are to put it bluntly. FUCKED UP!!

Republicannot Senator Jim Inhofe said he will not read the Health Care bill but will simply just vote against and and would rather wait until after the 2010 elections to deal with it. What does this tell you??

What this tells me is that he don't give a damn what's in the bill. He figures the CANNOTS will take over at the mid-term elections cuz the RATS will lose seats. They may but seriously, we the people want you to READ THE FUCKING BILL which doesn't mean oh RAT proposal I'll vote that down, oh CANNOT proposal, I'll vote for that. GET The hell out of public office.

You are being paid by the freggin taxpayer, read the damn bill!!! I hope there's a CANNOT in Oklahoma (which obviously is not OK unlike their license plates) who will run against this clown and get him out of office.

Yes we want solutions but to ignore what the RATS propose and not FIGHT FOR YOUR PEOPLE to get a compromise and a change i nthe wording to make it not as terrible on we the American people is your duty. Force concessions and you can still vote against it but if it gets passed anyway cuz the RATS have a soon to once again be filibuster proof Senate (Sen. Kennedy dying won't change things except for the extreme short term till some other RAT takes his place) The whole point is if it does go through, we the people might be be screwed as bad. that is what you should be fighting for because no matter what, there's a bill that's going to go to the floor.

These imbeciles in Washington don't get it. You're getting paid by OUR MONEY and you DO NOT deserve to be paid a nickel when you refuse to read the bill and do the people's work that you so signed up to do for your 6 years as a Senator. IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DO YOUR DAMN JOB, THEN ROT AWAY YOU WORTH LESS PIECE OF GARBAGE

I'm against the healthcare bill I've seen, HR 3200 but that doesn't mean I won't read the bill. It would be my job, even more so as a Congressman. I as a voter want to read it to know how I might be getting screwed!! And I'm not doing the people's business, nor do I have the right to vote on this bill because this is a Republic, not a Democracy, get it straight!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Recovery continues

Well the lovely Sheila Bair came out today to tell us more about problem banks in America. We learned today that the FDIC has raised the number of problem banks to 416. Now this is a serious question!! Why is it that the stock market continues to go up every week and virtually everyday when we continue to see terrible news like this.

Doesn't an improving economy mean that people are paying their loans? Does it means there's more borrowing? Does it mean there's more spending?? Oh shoot I forgot... it's the government that's doing all the spending, and the people spend when they're going to get taxpayer dollars like Cash for Clunkers or the like Cash for Appliances soon.

I guess really the only thing that matters is the stock market. If it's going higher it means everything is wonderful. The market P/E is 19 times earnings which is fairly high, but whatevr we can make it 20 times in three weeks and make that 21 times and what the hell, stocks that are 300 times earnings are of good value. I found a stupid way to believe that in 1999 but it was just that.. stupid!

Now I laugh about the stocks aod Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Didn't Hanky Panky put them into conservatorship? that's like bankruptcy right? Why are these stocks going up?? Why isn't the stock canceled. Does this make any sense whatsoever. All the banks got screwed on the preferred stock but the common shareholders who come after the preferred and making moeny like bandits. Why has this country run so ass backwards??

Well all I can say is hey the more banks that fail the better it is for the economy. Cuz the economy is improving because the stock market goes up and it doesn't matter if you even go bankrupt like Fannie and Freddie now. You can still see your stock price go higher because hey, it's the taxpayer's money, no big deal. Isn't that why AIG is up like over 40% this week. Cuz the worse it is, the better it is, right?? Yeah

So I guess Warren Buffet is a slob and the illegal immigrant from Mexico can be sitting in jail getting a $250 stimulus check from out government?? Oh I have no proof it's goingto an illegal immigrant, I just know prisoners are getting my tax dollars and the RATS say oh it's ok just fix the problem. Imagine they accidentally sent me a check and I cashed it. The IRS sent me a $2800 check a couple years ago. What if I said oh free money. I bet they would have come after me. Waited till year 7 so they could capture all the interest and such. I knew better though. These criminal. Oh no sweat it's their to keep now! Should I go to jail so I can keep that $2800 next time? Didn't one need to "file" to get a $250 check? So the inmates are filing returns? Are they eligible? Like this makes no sense to me. Does it to you?

Not just did they receive them but over half were allowed to keep them. Oh but Dave 2,200 people is only $550,000. Well then could I have kept that $2800 cuz it was only $2800. Of course not. It's wrong. This is a matter of principle here and your going to let them keep the money, I think your salaries should be cut by $550,000 PLUS time value of money on the global scale (screw US interest rates cuz you want the New World Order anyway.) Of cours it's you the taxpayer that will in the end have to recover this $550,000. Now I see why we have recovery. Giving money to prisoners, bailing out Goldman Sachs, bailing out JP Morgan, bailing out Citigroup, bailing out AIG, bailing out Bank of America. Bailing out those who don't pay their mortgage cuz they spend beyond their means and u need them to do that now too with Cash for Clunkers passing by, now u need cash for appliances. Lovely!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lets ramp up the government waste

Now that Cash for Clunkers is over, why don't we do cash for more foreign made products to help worsen our trade deficit. Yes folks as reported all over the place, the next program is cash for appliances

Because there's nothing like trying to coerce propel to remain in debt and then hear the Administration come out and say, look retail sales are getting better. Looks businesses are making more profit, LOOK, we're fucking bankrupt and you're not going to see your Social Security anymore

Keep the faith folks, it's still baseball season

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Maybe we don't need to Audit the Fed now

Dating back to Nov. 7th of 2008, Bloomberg News has won a Freedom Of Information Act request against the Federal Reserve to find out who was getting trillions and trillions of taxpayer money. Does anyone remember Bernanke saying this hunk of garbage??

Now we'll know what firms are destroying our nation and who should be out of business, so long as the Federal Reserve complies!!
Bloomberg Lawsuit Judgment

Obama works on stopping Goldman Sachs

Today, Obama decided he would appoint Helicopter Ben Bernanke for another 4 years as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Some may wonder why, didn't Obama want to disassociate himself with Bush is every way possible. But he leaves Gates and Bernanke? There could be a lot of reasons behind this move today.

We are in unprecedented times. Helicopter Ben has dolled out trillions of dollars and expanded the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve to over $2 trillion which is about 166% more than during normal times of monetary policy. So in classic fashion, Barry wants to make sure if things implode, we can blame Helicopter Ben and the media will have no way of pointing the finger at Barry's appointment of someone like a Lawrence Summers. That would have been a dangerous choice as well since Mr. Summers is clearly politically partisan and as a Federal Reserve Chairman, you're not "supposed" to be politically motivated.

Though I have no evidence of this, I believe that the official announcement of Denis Hughes, to be Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, speaks volumes. We all know Barack Obama is union man and loves organized labor because it puts rich executives into bankruptcy and then the union can own the majority stake of the company, just like at Chrysler, LLC. So is it wrong or un-american that I ask the question, did Bernanke influence putting Denis Hughes into this position, so he could be reappointed to a 4 year term as Federal Reserve Chairman??

Who is Denis Hughes?? Denis Hughes is the President of the New York branch of the AFL-CIO. So now we have a union person, attempting to run monetary policy. Believe it or not folks, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY votes every six weeks in the FOMC decisions on interest rates, etc. Obama is a union guy and he's trying to help every union worker. What that means is if you work for Walmart, go fuck yourself. If you work a low end jon that's not unionized, you're screwed. Obama only cares about organized labor. Now they're taking over monetary policy which has the biggest effect on the overall economy. Mark my words, the Federal Reserve has the greatest influence on the direction of the economy. Now we got Obama trying to make the unions in control. Now what's the point of the union if the union is management. Well if they're management, then where's the union??? Oh it's gone cuz it's management. So who stands up then for the non union workers like myself? Oh nobody that's right. I need to unionize or I'm scum, Right Barry?? I know I am you fucking Marxist!

So now what Obama is saying is lets try to stop all the Goldman/Government connections and lets make them all Government/union connections. I mean of course why not, it will help him get 8 years i nthe White House to really bring "CHANGE" to America. That change is the death of capitalism and profits and let all the union workers live the high life (didn't they live it already at GM with their mad ass pensions.) You gas pumper, sorry go screw yourself, are you a retailer cashier, sorry your ass is grass, you a bank teller, sorry you're the filth of the Earth. That's the Obama way. You're a mechanic. Oh sorry, you're company is being shut down cuz we need to make sure the union workforce at the dealership is strong and solid. that's the way it us under a Marxist.

Land of opportunity didn't mean it's given to you. You gotta work for it. What's gonna happen now is land of opportunity is dead. Make sure you connect with a government job or a union job. anything else and you can screw off, you're not important to the new America the Obama way!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Roubini (NYU economist) beginning to see it like me

From the Opinion/Editior section of the Financial Times

The risk of a double-dip recession is rising

By Nouriel Roubini

Published: August 23 2009 18:55 | Last updated: August 23 2009 18:55

T  he global economy is starting to bottom out from the worst recession and financial crisis since the Great Depression. In the fourth quarter of 2008 and first quarter of 2009 the rate at which most advanced economies were contracting was similar to the gross domestic product free-fall in the early stage of the Depression. Then, late last year, policymakers who had been behind the curve finally started to use most of the weapons in their arsenal.

That effort worked and the free-fall of economic activity eased. There are three open questions now on the outlook. When will the global recession be over? What will be the shape of the economic recovery? Are there risks of a relapse?

On the first question it looks like the global economy will bottom out in the second half of 2009. In many advanced economies (the US, UK, Spain, Italy and other eurozone members) and some emerging market economies (mostly in Europe) the recession will not be formally over before the end of the year, as green shoots are still mixed with weeds. In some other advanced economies (Australia, Germany, France and Japan) and most emerging markets (China, India, Brazil and other parts of Asia and Latin America) the recovery has already started.

On the second issue the debate is between those – most of the economic consensus – who expect a V-shaped recovery with a rapid return to growth and those – like myself – who believe it will be U-shaped, anaemic and below trend for at least a couple of years, after a couple of quarters of rapid growth driven by the restocking of inventories and a recovery of production from near Depression levels.

There are several arguments for a weak U-shaped recovery . Employment is still falling sharply in the US and elsewhere – in advanced economies, unemployment will be above 10 per cent by 2010. This is bad news for demand and bank losses, but also for workers’ skills, a key factor behind long-term labour productivity growth.

Second, this is a crisis of solvency, not just liquidity, but true deleveraging has not begun yet because the losses of financial institutions have been socialised and put on government balance sheets. This limits the ability of banks to lend, households to spend and companies to invest.

Third, in countries running current account deficits, consumers need to cut spending and save much more, yet debt-burdened consumers face a wealth shock from falling home prices and stock markets and shrinking incomes and employment.

Fourth, the financial system – despite the policy support – is still severely damaged. Most of the shadow banking system has disappeared, and traditional banks are saddled with trillions of dollars in expected losses on loans and securities while still being seriously undercapitalised.

Fifth, weak profitability – owing to high debts and default risks, low growth and persistent deflationary pressures on corporate margins – will constrain companies’ willingness to produce, hire workers and invest.

Sixth, the releveraging of the public sector through its build-up of large fiscal deficits risks crowding out a recovery in private sector spending. The effects of the policy stimulus, moreover, will fizzle out by early next year, requiring greater private demand to support continued growth.

Seventh, the reduction of global imbalances implies that the current account deficits of profligate economies, such as the US, will narrow the surpluses of countries that over-save (China and other emerging markets, Germany and Japan). But if domestic demand does not grow fast enough in surplus countries, this will lead to a weaker recovery in global growth.

There are also now two reasons why there is a rising risk of a double-dip W-shaped recession. For a start, there are risks associated with exit strategies from the massive monetary and fiscal easing: policymakers are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they take large fiscal deficits seriously and raise taxes, cut spending and mop up excess liquidity soon, they would undermine recovery and tip the economy back into stag-deflation (recession and deflation).

But if they maintain large budget deficits, bond market vigilantes will punish policymakers. Then, inflationary expectations will increase, long-term government bond yields would rise and borrowing rates will go up sharply, leading to stagflation.

Another reason to fear a double-dip recession is that oil, energy and food prices are now rising faster than economic fundamentals warrant, and could be driven higher by excessive liquidity chasing assets and by speculative demand. Last year, oil at $145 a barrel was a tipping point for the global economy, as it created negative terms of trade and a disposable income shock for oil importing economies. The global economy could not withstand another contractionary shock if similar speculation drives oil rapidly towards $100 a barrel.

In summary, the recovery is likely to be anaemic and below trend in advanced economies and there is a big risk of a double-dip recession.

And this is why financial markets in America are screwed up!

Debra Guzov blatantly telling you how it's ok for the rich to get richer at the expense of everyone else. This is exactly the same as insider trading scandals. Since Goldman Sachs has the ability to move a stock via upgrade and downgrade and their top clients are told ahead of time.

I must ask Debra Guzov, do you agree with Regulation Fair Disclosure?? Do you believe that a customer should decide for themselves what is best for them and if they choose poorly based on equal information, that's their problem. Brokerages determine suitability based on assets and income level. Maybe I can't sell naked options, due to certain restrictions.

Talking about FINRA... lmfao, like FINRA or the SEC does anything about anything buy give a slap on the wrist after you screw someone over of billions, you pay a multimillion dollar fine.

I also must ask, how come at 7:05 she says it's unfair and then at 7:13 she says it's not unfair? Years ago, Regulation Fair Disclosure was put into effect and it forced companies to reveal any information to the public at once. That is why, companies like Intel, Texas Instruments, etc. would do mid-quarter updates on the internet so even the little guy can hear. It became illegal for them to say, call their buddy over at Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley or whomever and say, hey our numbers this quarter are really good. The firm gets their guys to buy up the stock and then they upgrade the stock or raise their guidance. This was done also because Wall Street analysts were LYING to the public. Now this lowlife piece of garbage is saying, oh it's quite alright.

This is why America is soon not going to be known as the land of opportunity. If this stuff continues, America will no longer be the land of opportunity. You'll have to be a schmuck in a union to please Obama or a rich snob schmuck at Goldman Sachs to be anything. If those guys are so damn smart, they should do better than others will all the info out at the same time. This is why guys like Jim Cramer on CNBC's Mad Money is a fraud. He's no better than the market. He's not special. He's only an average investor. Studies have been done on him and it's just like having an index fund. He'll stand there and brag about being THE BEST HEDGE FUND ON WALL STREET DURING HIS TIME, MAKING 24% PER YEAR AFTER ALL FEES!!

To that I have an answer, read his first book like I did, "Confessions of a Street Addict." I still have my copy, if you are interested contact me and I'll sell it to you for $5. You will see his wife is the brains, he's just an uptight ego maniac with a terrible temper. And he started at GOLDMAN SACHS. You all already know the Government/Goldman connection. You also know that considering he's a Goldman alum, he was getting special privileges. It makes it pretty easy when you got that to your advantage. Then you build a track record over years, go on CNBC, pump the stock you own in the AM on Squawk Box, watch Juniper Networks skyrocket 10 bucks so at 9:30 am you can sell out as you were a short term trader. Then of course he gets a slap on the wrist from the SEC after fucking over many people who didn't understand he was setting them up so he could make money off them. Now he doesn't own stocks and it's just an ego with a temper. His wife should do the show Mad Money as she was the brains of his firm, not him. And since he doesn't actually own stocks anymore, it's unlikely he's getting inside info from Goldman Sachs. But back in the day, you bet ya, I wouldn't be shocked to find out it never occurred.

No I don't have evidence of this but lets just put two and two together and it doesn't take a rocket scientist he was being given tips by the more powerful! just like Debra Guzov thinks is the way to go, because that fool is in the protected class and want to keep screwing you over!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The economy continues it's amazing recovery

The stock market once again found a reason to be positive on worsening jobless claims numbers. Was it leading economic indicators, was it the fact that the new AIG CEO came onto TV and smiled and said, we're going to pay the government back everything we owe them. Like geez. didn't Liddy say that too. Who cares we heard it all before.

What I find truly interesting is that default notices for foreclosure hit an all time record in the 2nd quarter. Because those are the signs of a recovering economy. I can never recall a time in history when over 550,000 job losses per week or when 245,000 jobs lost in a month was bullish for the economy but in these times it is. I wonder what the next Federal Reserve Balance sheet will look like??? The talk of the town is they're about to scale back. What does that means for bond yields come November?? Or does the recession get worse. Hey I know the yield curve is great for growth but that's for things going on NOW. We still got lots of bs from the past years of greed that's imploded.

But as long as the stock market keeps going up, Obama and his minions can continue to sell the hope. I may have to force myself to start participating more in this even though I despise what I see. Maybe I have it all wrong and the gov't can print money up the wazoo and there's no issues. Which leads me to wonder, Why is there such a big deal of Americans with Swiss Bank accounts with UBS and what they claim to be as tax evasion. I don't have the details of the story which is why I've never made an opinion on it. I'll say this much. If the UBS accounts were open here, I side with the IRS. If the people physically went to Switzerland to open the accounts. I side with UBS. the question then is did they pay taxes to the Swiss gov't. I don't even know what Swiss law is so how can I really be truly informed on that aspect. but any accounts that were opened in the United States and these clowns don't claim, to me that is tax evasion and kudos to the IRS. I guess it's takes an approximate $1.8 trillion budget deficit to do that. I'm notoverly inclined to dig too deep to find the info either. There's much more important things like this "fake economic BOOM" that's going on. It's no economic boom at all. We just have hit the bottom (I hope) but there's not really a recovery going on to me (outside of the stock market that I've not participated in)

Cash for Clunkers to end

After just yesterday talking about how the government couldn't even run a Cash for Clunkers Program, today they announced they the Cash for Clunkers Program will end!

To me it's $1.9 billion too late. I'm looking forward to seeing what the car companies report for automobile sales in September and October. What's going to happen to Ford, who in July posted a year on year sales gain for the first time is who knows how many months. a very long time, we know as the automobile industry in marred in a deep depression.

I will make a prediction that sales are going to be back to down 20% or so year on year in September. By October the massive drop in business affected the auto companies and the number shouldn't be so bad year on year but it will be less than the July numbers. We know the august numbers are going to look pretty damn awesome too and all the liberals out there will say see the auto industry is coming back!! NO ITS NOT!!

Yeah people got their jobs back, etc. For how long? For two months until the inventory is replenished!! Please this is not a sustained recovery!! Just go look at the job losses going on in the nation as a whole. But of course the government is going to twist this bullshit as a success. i agree, a success at wasting taxpayer dollars to harm the traditional free market sales of cars. This program could have been more beneficial in the winter months when sales in the northern states are weather because nobody wants to go out in the cold. Little pansies!!

Dealers temporarily not participating in cash for clunkers

There's a group of dealers with massive amounts of receivables that can no longer deal with WAITING while the government takes it's

As expected, when the government is running a program, it's never done right. Barry Obama shows us that just at a town hall in New Hampshire, even thoug hit is health care, the idea is the same with any program the government runs. It's always a joke filled with bureaucrats.

So let me think, the Post Office is the one having all the problems. It's supposed to be self sustaining but it runs deficits all the time. Sounds like Amtrak as well. So..... what does this mean about the government run insurance program? Taxpayers subsidizing it like they do Goldman Sachs. Og don't even start about paying back the TARP, what about the $20 billion of FDIC backed debt. Where's that extra 4% they should be paying. Maybe the taxpayer should be getting that don't ya think? But no, we subsidize the rich so they can get richer, meanwhile lots of people I know are suffering. This nation is broke, this cash for clunkers program should not be going on!!

Gov't programs continue to fail. They will be enough to make Q3 GDP be positive and you will hear all the idiots of the world say the recession is over. I see the double dip even if the stock market refuses to resemble that and I watch stocks that I would have bought jump on me and make me feel like an idiot.

The point here is the government needs to stay out of the free market and let things happen. I'll repeat what I've already said. Cash for clunkers will push forward car sales and it will HARM the auto companies next year. The government cannot continue to be buying my neighbor a car (that is what I call Cash for Clunkers, it's the buy your neighbor a car program.)

It's disgusting to me that 2% of the funds have been released. The first week was ridiculously good for car sales. Shouldn't the gov't take the car in, see it's legit and pay the money. You'd think if they're going to set up a program like this, they'd have peopel going aroudn to verify the cars that will become clunkers and once the cars get picked up the dealer should get their money within 5 business days. I mean hell this is part of the $787 billion pork barrel fraud for a stimulus bill, whose funds are generally going to big business and not small business that is the growth engine for jobs in America. Cuz Barry supports big unions, and big business and Goldman Sachs executives and despises hedge funds and small business, etc. $1.5 billion of clunkers has gone thru the system thus far and if only$30 million has gone out thus far, it tells you one major thing. The government does not understand the current crisis. Then again, Barry Obama never ran a business or had to MAKE A PAYROLL in his life. So he doesn't understand that dealers are losing money due to interest from getting loans. That cash flow is tight and they still have to pay their employees. Car dealerships are not the freggin state of California. They cannot give their employees IOUs. Granted I'm sure they will get their money but when?? Meanwhile you want these guys to push something for the UAW so Gov't Motors will hire more workers (just to lay them off when car sales plummet back down next year unless you find another incentive)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

On the Edge with Max Keiser: Zero Hedge is the guest!

Since we do not ever want to forget Goldman (I mean Government) Sachs, we see that the KING of Financial blogs made it on international TV. This is for you all to see how corrupt Goldman Sachs is and why they can get away with it, lie straight to your face about it, etc.

Friday, August 14, 2009

How you might be losing your rights!

I need to say this because the media is not going to talk about this. They call racism when a black breaks into his own home and the cops ask for ID and the man doesn't even say his name he says, is this what happens when you're a black man in America. Obama then states the cops "acted stupidly" causing a bigger ruckus than necessary.

Yet the media won't cover a white man getting arrested for...... yes folks, walking down the street. The media isn't going to cover it because it's ok to arrest white men for anything. Obama probably feels white men should be arrested just for being white, unless of course they come out swinging for Marxism and Obamacare and Cap and Tax and pork barrel stimulus spending where all the moeny goes to big business.

But Bob Dylan got arrested in Long Branch, NJ because some 24 year old retarded woman who shouldn't have a fucking badge anymore didn't know who he was. How dare a white man walk into a Latin section of Long Branch. It's no whites allowed. I guess that should include Kristi Buble too. Hey you might have run an 800 meter in 2:33 6 years ago in Track and Field but I'll still out run you when you try to chase me down ( go do a google search folks. That's a runner I won't respect. how can one respect her badge anymore when she arrested someone for WALKING DOWN THE STREET)

I know I know back in 1950 it was no blacks allowed. Now it's no whites allowed except in white designated areas? I guess Kristi should have been arrested too but we know Cops are exempt from the law. Because two wrongs make it right! It was the neghbors that started this not the cop. Just because Bob Dylan had no ID on him. Even if he did have ID, why would this lunatic retard for a female not take him in anyway. Hey he's a white man who "doesn't belong" because you are no longer free, here in America.

I think Bob Dylan will write another song before he's gone. About how cops are retarded or more about how your rights to walk on the streets are no longer valid. I guess to improve the economy, nobody is allowed to take walks except at approved gym locations. This will help the gym membership industry and force people to do that or get arrested and have a criminal record. A white man walking into a Latin district must be like disorderly conduct or something. How dare you walk down the street, that's illegal. Today it's Bob Dylan, tomorrow it might be you. You are losing your rights in America and it's all going to the illegal immigrants and the "minorities" because Obama wants them to be the majority (hence amnesty for illegals coming soon to a bill in the House and Senate)

The greatness of America is getting worse by the day. you might think oh Dave this is a minor thing. Yeah but what's next? The next thing is going to be even uglier! This is what out nation has trained these people to be. So don't give me this crap that white men get whatever they want. If you work at Goldman Sachs you get whatever you want. That's why you need to accomplish!

The 2nd half recovery!

Brought to you by, Walstreetpro2, ENJOY!!

By the way, I have no idea who is and am not endorsing that. I put up these videos for your entertainment and to learn some new facts as this guy knows what he's talking about!

Wow I knew nothing about the birth death model

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh how Obama saved the economy!

As I have said over and over and over again, a true and full recovery will take many years. That doesn't mean a quarter or two of positive GDP growth due to government manipulating data. They're trying to do that right now in hopes it will last long enough to keep the RATS in the Congress so Progressiveness and Marxism has at least two more years. By then, the bills can go thru, we the people can be at the mercy of the government rather than at the mercy of our own decisions like our liberty was meant to be.

So today a lot of economic data came out and my oh my is it interesting. Since all we hear about from GE (CNBC is own by General Electric folks) and we know that Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO is part of President Obama's economic team. So no, there's no conflict of interest there especially after Immelt calls a meeting about "Bashing Obama."

No there's nothing going on when we hear everyone on CNBC say the recession is over and the economy is back. Yeah it's back alright. Because whe nthe bottom happens at the end of June like Dennis Kneale said, the next month has record foreclosures.

Because in economic recovery, people lose their homes and they lose their jobs at massive rates!! Jobless claims increased last week to 558,000 from 554,000 a week ago. But the spin by the media is that the continuing claims dropped. I have a question. How come this week it's that continuing claims is less. Two weeks ago when the number was way worse than expected (like this week) the green shoot was that the 4 week average went down. Hmmm... can we read this article again. It says:

The four-week average of initial claims, which smooths out fluctuations, rose by 8,500 to 565,000. That reverses six straight weeks of decline.

Now two weeks ago though the number for the week was worse than expected, the stock market took off because it was under 600,000 for a 4th straight week. Damn it you saw it under 600,000 the previous three weeks shouldn't that be a clue. Everyone is losing their job which means less actually employed which means less people left to layoff. DUH!! Of course the number should go down. The monthly jobs reports are still showing DECLINES in the number of jobs out there but no, we'll twist it to make sure stocks go higher. Like 2000, P/E ratio's don't matter anymore. It's scary and yes I'm missing the entire rally and being hurt by it but I have common sense too. My short positions WILL WORK IN MY FAVOR I just don't know when.

I don't want doomsday!! But I see what is going on and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It's the summer and the Karl Marx Administration (oops I can't say that), I mean the Burry (America) Obama Administration sells the hope. Ya see, GE is part of the Obama Administration. I just showd you via their CEO and I gave you the link that shows it in the 4th paragraph of Wikipedia Encyclopedia. You might want to read it to understand conflicts of interest and hence why CNBC is irrelevant these days! Jeff Immelt made CNBC irrelevant so I don't watch or listen to them. I liked Fast Money too but they're gonna be biased as well because that's how they can hang onto their extra job. They work it for a reason. They like it and want to do it. Who would work a job they didn't want or need to do? Either you don't need to and you do it because you LOVE IT or you need it and do as they please. In any event you are tied down to the Obama Administration's wants and desires.

That is... if the stock market goes up, the economy is great. Obama told everyone that maybe it's a good time to buy stocks back at the low in March. It was all planned as no meeting was called over Rick Santelli's rant in February but after Obama said it was time to buy stocks, he needed to be right so there was that special meeting with CNBC and they told the folks, you have to lie like Henry Blodget covering AMZN. They think the traditional Americans are fools and it's summertime so.... try to get folks to shut up about government running their lives. Don't talk about the issue but talk about the wackos who don't want it to divert attention and then go back to Capitol Hill and not see these "CRAZY PEOPLE" and force Communism down our throats!

So yeah, we've shown terrible foreclosures and the spin on jobless claims because the media can't let bad news out when a Democrat is in the White House. Only for a Republican can they do that!!

Well how about Cash for Clunkers.... Isn't it amazing there's been massive car sales. Ford reported it's first up month in a long time. The sales ratio went over 10 million units. Yuo think there people can afford new cars. It's a subsidy so the automakers show good numbers now, the RATS get re-elected and true Marxism happens. So despite the fact that car sales boomed and they cannot keep vehicles on the lot in trade for perfectly fine automobiles that need to be crushed so aluminum prices can soar and please Alcoa, cuz former Treasury Secretary Paul O'; Neill work there and h wrote a book condemning Bush so he's one of the good guys. so of course Obama wants to support aluminum prices. The gig is that the USW wants one thing and the UAW wants the other. Who will Obama support?? Big question there.

So they use Cash for Clunker and car sales rocket but retail sales still are negative. So despite the 'buy your neighbor a car' program, retail sales were still down 0.1% for the month of July. But I though the consumer was back and the recession was over!! Right? It's over right??? I always though more people living on the streets and less business was always a sign of economic prosperity!! I guess I was wrong and I'm a militant extremist for speaking at a TEA Party and going to an organizational meeting.

How pathetic is the Karl Marx (shoot, Burry (America) Obama Administration. I knwo the rich are protected but please. Lets be real about this. Record foreclosures, retail sales downwand worse than expected, jobless claims higher than the previous week. what's the green shoot?? There must be some nice things cuz the market was up today. Fucking fantasy world people live in. It don't go up fervor folks, be creful what you own wit h the double dip coming (my expectation only)

Be on the lookout. It's at the latest 6 week away according to some. The fall will be an interesting and challenging one. CPI comes out tomorrow and other economic data. We shall see what all of that shows.

But as you see, worse than expected and declining retail sales. along with gay marriage provides all t he support one should need. you're protected in America. The rest are extremist skinheads. unlike the Bush Administration. All pretty basic to me, an economic recovery isn't true recovery unless the private sector is involved. giving them money doesn't make it sustainable!

We'll see what green shoots garbage comes out Friday!
Courtesy of Zero Hedge's blog I got this and it makes me think of what's really going on. How long will this print money aspect go on before the shit hits the fan. There is a very fine line that Administration is trying to play. Main Street is not falling for "the recession is over" talk when they see budget deficits becoming greater by the month.

Does this mean that the recession is a W and the fools are thinknig it is a V well what are two Vs... well instead of a W it's VV. Yes folks, Q3 is going to have POSITIVE GDP don't kid yourselves, Q2 of 2008 had positive GDP as well as Bush was pretending to halt a recession that nobody could stop!! Although my tech stock shorts have killed me I will believe in my gut with all these bullshit programs of taxpayer money. It's not just TARP. It's TALF, TGLP, PPIP, $787 billion stimulus, pork barrel spending but most importantly, the lack of tax collections that tells you how bad it truly still is

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Could there be good news?

The World Trade Organization backed the United States ove a trade battle with China today wich has major implications on things going forward.

Despite all the talk about music and DVDs and support the vermin in Hollywood there is a lot more to this. China has for a very long time done things to help their export economy and it harms the USA. This nation has done nothing about it but there's a lot to come.

As a person who works in the tire industry, there is a big deal about tires coming up very soon. although this will likely piss off some Americans, because the trend has been to want the cheapest piece of garbage put on their vehicle anda tariff on Chinese made goods will harm you and the price you pay for those cheap pieces of garbage on your vehicle, many conservatives are about buy American. Our friend down in concord, NC, walstreetpro2, always talks about buying American and screw the Chinese. Why do you think he's smashing Chinese goods?? Call it counter productive.

Obviously the automakers are against it for tires on new vehicles but that's the same thing as Goddamn Sachs (ticker GS: NYSE) saying they support the CFTC to limit speculation on energy futures but said they want exemptions for themselves (so they have greater power to manipulate the markets.) I know I'm repeating myself when I say that but this is absurd. A tariff is a tariff and there should be ZERO exemptions. China has manipulated currency, china has been loading up on commodities making the prices for our good greater and though I am an advocate of free trade, China puts restrictions on shit going to their nation. It's not free there, so why should it be free here. SCREW THEM!!

Until China wants true free trade, there should be duties on their products. I'm all for the best price but it comes at a cost. If we have to go thru state run companies to get our products there. We need some restrictions on them as well. The WTO is realizing this and it's a great thing. I know it willtake years probably to implement but the tires aspect is coming real soon and we shall see if Obama is for America. considering he's a friend of the unions, and just saved the UAW, I would think he'll do something to make the USW happy as well. It means your cheap shit tires will cost more in line with a brand name tire but that's how it works. When China wants to play fair, then we should play fair. Until then, screw that free trade garbage! Good for the WTO we need to protect American jobs!

I just hope the unions don't destroy it like the UAW did to the autos. Yes this Marxist President did hurt America by bailing out his friends in the union and I still don't support that. but I do support tariffs on products from a country that imposes it's will on our products so they don't get into their nation. Screw that. This is a two way street and it's time to make that two way street fair. you want you stuff coming in here duty free, stop your crap over there!

Deficits deficits deficits

Today we learned that the Budget deficit for July was a paltry $180.68 billion for the month of July. Yeah we must blame George W. Bush for this even though Obama said he's saved the world from economic collapse. what about our government collapse though. Oh that's being done by the evil fear mongers at were at the TEA parties and them staged town halls. YEAH!!

Record deficit for July and when will this change? This is not change from Bush that's for sure, he ramped up this deficit and Obama just took it to a new level. Of course they're not going to tell you about Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner asked for the debtload to be pushed higher. But not total amount. Like give me a signed check and since it's government we know it will be good since I can always call Helicopter Ben to make sure the funds are available. But they say oh no.... we aren't going to monetize the debt. We're for a strong dollar policy. And eating deer turds is good for my small intestine too.

No printing money does not necessarily mean inflation but it likely means it. That is, if the economy ever turns around and that's also a big question mark given the way greed has destroyed our nation. Is greed good, yes! Is fraudulent greed good, Absolutely not! and sadly that is what's happened in the past 15 years.

This is why the spending needs to stop and this pork barrel garbage needs to stop. We need pay cuts for Congressional men cuz they don't read the bills. they wanna make them 1,000 pages, they better know what is in them. I laugh these idiot liberals say they can't read the bills in full, they'd get nothing done. What are they actually doing???? Taking our tax dollars, getting free health care on the tax payter and not doing the people's business. Cap and Trade in the house HR 2454 is HIS BILL and he doesn't know the details of his own bill.

I mean geez who writes these bills?? And he doesn't know what's in his own bill?? You wonder why people at town halls are saying READ THE BILL!!

That bill isn't a deficit bill though or a spending bill. That's a tax bill on the rest of us to pick up their wasteful spending! It is insane to tax us for the emissions that come out of China!
I'd like to know what the real problem is here. 2nd amendment, nobody was hurt. Why such the anger out of Mr. Liberal Chris Matthews!!

Why bring a gun there? Well why bring a gun to English class at Virginia Tech?? Why bring a gun to a workout facility just outside of Pittsburgh?? Why not??? See what can happen to you when you are unarmed?? Considering most of the crime is done by non law abiding citizens (there's a reason we call them criminals and they wouldn't be able to get a gun legally.) I'd like to know how much guns that are used to commit homicides, are registered firearms. How about we get THAT ANSWER Mr. Chris Matthews and then you can talk. What you wanted to do was intimidate, but you failed miserably. You see, just like in financial markets which are corrupted by the shenanigans of our Federal Reserve and now gov't involvement taking over companies and throwing money at it to make these pundits say the recession is over despite the face that we're still losing jobs (albeit as a slower pace.) Guys like these are not the problem! What has created this, who is the problem? Hmmm let me think about that for a second...

I think this is a great list and yes folks BILL CLINTON IS ON IT!!! IT WAS BOTH PARTIES THAT SCREWED US OVER (but I've put most of the blame on Alan Greenspan myself.) But this is what Time Magazine considers!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Huh, Bernie Madoff wasn't the only guy?

That could have surprised me that more than one person was involved in a $65 billion ponzi scheme (I wonder who we're going to prosecute when the people realize that Social Security is a ponzi scheme run by the gov't. How's going to serve jail for that one??)

In any event, this isn't really news to me can even a horse on the farm would know that it took more than one person to run the $65 billion ponzi scheme. But it will be truly interesting to see what happens to Frank DiPascali since he's pleading guilty to 10 counts which he could face 125 years in prison even though this news article doesn't mention it. I'm sure there will be more but this is just posted to show there was more involved and I'm sure the families will be involved and indicted someday as well.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Better than expected jobs number isn't as great as it seems

I don't want to ruin the parade for some of the green shoots people who are in love with Obama and this about 50% rally in the stock market since March 9th, but we're still losing jobs!!!

Cash for Clunkers is a government run program via your tax dollars that will make the economy post a Q3 GDP that is positive. I have no reason to believe that GDP would looj that good in Q3 without that. Some of it is inventory rebuilding, especially with the auto manufacturers. If you read the BLS report they claim that auto manufacturing jobs rose by 28,000. Hmm do we see a Cash for Clunker's program in there somewhere to push sales now only to create lack of sales and more layoffs later (or two government auto firms that start losing their shirts again because they don't lay people off so Obama can be right on with his create of save 3.5 million jobs. Count everyone in the auto industry that they assume would cease to exist if he didn't break Constitutional Law, as a way who specialized in Constitutional Law.

The seasonal adjustments are flawed too because this is normally a time when auto workers pare duty but not they're ramping up because of cash for clunkers and then soon they'll remain for the new '10 models. This is not a typical year and the government did not adjust data for that because they're trying to push the idea that Obama saved the world. The fortunate thing is that Americans are becoming much more informed on the games our government is playing and you can see it with the town hall meetings with the health care debate! Traditional Americans are now mobs being funded by the pharmaceutical firms. but wait, I didn't get any finding for my TEA party speech. Where's my paycheck for it?? Oh blah blah blah... isn't it the left that gets funding from the government to do protests?? No? ACORN gets no funding from the government? You might want to check your facts on that before you rant at me about that one. Go read my blog and you'll see the head of ACORN straight up said there was not a Republican they supported in their history. And well, it's not like Republicans are conservatives these days! I still believe many of them are playing party politics

The unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% from 9.5%. Now I'm not saying it's phony data because the unemployment rate is lower yet we had jobs lost last month. It's that people are exhausting their benefits now and they're dropping out of the labor force because they aren't finding jobs or they've gotten so discouraged. So don't take that down tick as a positive, even though the stock market did.

The key is to look at the data in full. For things to get better the drop needs to be less. We are getting that in the employment pictures so yes, things are getting less bad, the rate of decline in the economy is becoming less. As I said, I expect Q3 to have a positive GDP number and it might be significantly positive. But when will the private sector turn around without government help. You got these fools saying oh the banks repaid TARP, etc. That's because they borrowed from the FDIC's TGLP program (Temporary Liquidity Guaranty Program) so the debt is backed by the gov't and you have nothing to fear so they borrow short term at 2% rather than 6% and hell you pay less in interest and you look oh so wonderful. Ask Goldman Sachs what the interest charges of $20 billion at 2% is, compared to 6%. It's significant and yes, we the taxpayer are on the hook if the screw up and if they don't, they reap all the benefits of it thru sickening bonuses.

The day is not as good as it looks on the surface and it is being manipulated to push the green shoots and keep this stock market soaring, until it stops. Yes the bottom was made but at some point reality must set in and people will realize the multiple for the market is way too high given the anemic growth we will see from the private sector. Should you own stocks, well as long as green shoots and this game is working, yes, but I still believe it will turn around and have a correction. But if you find the right companies that aren't caught up in this mess, I'd say you can feel safe investing in them. There are always companies that are bucking the trends. Even in the Great Depression there were companies that did well despite 25% unemployment.

Hopefully though for people this is all a sign of some confidence. Even though in my opinion, the numbers aren't as good as stated, the rate of decline isn't steepening and that needs to happen before recovery happens. Still lots of things to play out from commercial real estate to small business and CIT which is still a question mark about survival and then how that might affect small business. I am waiting but hopeful we are moving slowing in the right direction. I jus think the government is making is actually last longer by doing what they're doing.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Its costing you three times more than you thought

Yes the buy your neighbor a car program continues on, via an extra $2 billion for what they call "Cash for Clunkers." I still am wondering why Target Car wouldn't have been considered a clunker. Shouldn't it be cash for gas guzzlers? I'm a little bit lost in the logic behind this, if you as a public official believe in free markets. If any of these Republicans that voted for this say they are for the free market, they are liars and shouldn't be trusted. I know Corker is one of those people so he can go rot in pig urine and feces.

They say it worked so wonderfully. Yeah it wasted $1 billion of taxpayer money to pur perfectly well running vehicles off the road and they cannot be resold so.... Nothing like wasting metal and sending commodity prices like aluminum soaring ever higher. I know Alcoa likes it but who else does?

Whose going to buy a car after this is done?? Why isn't the free market determining when its time to buy a car LIKE I HAD TO DO. Funny I bought a car this year, 2009 but I get zero government handouts for myself. Oh Dave you bought too early, we set these programs up afterwards because you an evil TEA party participant. Yes folks, I am Un-American to our government.

The vote went 60-37. There were amendments that Senators wants to make sure this wasn't a hand out to the rich but that's exactly what it is for. As amendments to keep it for middle and low income families got shot down. Then we're going to hear how we're out of recession when Q3 GDP is positive. No doubt in my mind that we are going to have positive Q3 GDP.

But if that means the recession is over, then how come we we're in recession in Q2 of 2008 when there was what 3% positive GDP from the $600 checks Bush gave out. I really need to ask you a question. What happened 4 or 5 months after this stuff ended. Didn't the economy TANK?? So doesn't it seem to be a bit excessive that these clowns could not put the program on hold and make these amendments if they were goingto do the next batch?? Don't you think with al lthe green shoots talk and these fools on TV saying the recession is over, that this should stop!! If the recession is really over, why does the government need to continue to ramp up deficits like there's no tomorrow. The consumer is 70% of the economy and the government wants to cut that out and become more. That's what will happen when they eventually take over healthcare and I'll need to travel to Asia for a surgery. then we know what happens. What made American great (everyone coming here for specialized surgery) will make east Asia dominate in the New World Order because the true Americans will go there and we'll pay for it ourselves like responsible people unlike community organizers that are chastising other forms of community organizing that respect the nation and the reasons it was founded. Maybe it's because they don't respect America but they do respect the people who don't get good grades but get the job because of affirmative action and they respect those that don't know the language and don't pay taxes or have social security numbers. It is very interesting indeed.

It's pretty sad when my uncle, whose not a US citizen is sending me an e-mail and telling me how scary the privacy is becoming in this nation and the lack of it. Even someone who fled America and despises many things about this country and always pushed us to vote Democrat is saying this. It makes you wonder. It's not just America, the world is watching and the world is saying, whoa that American government has really gonna off the deep end. Sadly it's true and we can only hope like hell in two years things will be different when some party politics creates gridlock. Though the two parties are both bad, the gridlock will spare us from dictatorship that I believe this administration wants.

We need to take America back. Power to the people, not the clowns we're paying healthcare for we know as Congress and the President. Their feces stinks like anyone else, in fact it might stink more because they probably don't take care of themselves as well knowing it's we who are paying their medical expenses.

Here's who voted for this piece of garbage that will make Q3 GDP look great and then our economy can falter back again and the car industry can suffer. Let me tell you another thing. Since people think this is party politics and the RATS vote for this and CANNOTS vote against it. Here is the role call:

Grouped By Vote Position
YEAs ---60
Akaka (D-HI)
Alexander (R-TN)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Begich (D-AK)
Bennet (D-CO)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Bond (R-MO)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Brownback (R-KS)
Burris (D-IL)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corker (R-TN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Hagan (D-NC)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaufman (D-DE)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (D-PA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Tester (D-MT)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Webb (D-VA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)
NAYs ---37
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McCaskill (D-MO)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nelson (D-NE)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Warner (D-VA)
Wicker (R-MS)
Not Voting - 3
Byrd (D-WV)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Mikulski (D-MD)

As you see we had some good Democrats (Leahy, McCaskill, Nelson, Warner) and we some some imposters for Republicans and one surprises me as I thought I could respect him but Senator Corker, I hope you get voted out!!

So the CANNOTS that voted for more taxpayer waste in the stimulus bill were: (Alexander, Bond, Brownback, Collins, Corker, Snow and Voinovich.

Both Tennessee Senators, Alexander and Corker, likely because of auto plants in their districts even though production will get crushed next year and these fools will all get laid off. I can see that with Voinovich as well being in OH which has been hard hit. Anything it takes to get re-elected. It's not about what is right, it's about keeping your corrupt job in Washington. I hope all of those CANNOTS get voted out when their term is up.

America is TIRED OF THE ACT!!

Housing recovery is intact, more to come I'm sure

In fact it's going so great that the government run Fannie Mae needs ANOTHER BAILOUT this time of $10.7 billion of taxpayer money because of a $15.2 billion 2nd quarter loss.

This is a sign that the housing market is back right? More bailouts!! The factthat the government can't turn the company around because they cannot stop foreclosures. Oh wait, Barney frank wants to amke them stop it. Oh so Fannie Mae will have to reduce the principle and the taxpayer can eat the principle to the idiot that bought the house thinknig home prices go up 10% every year and that it didn't matter if they could pay their mortgage cuz with 10% increase per year, they can refinance every year with a lower Loan to Value and even take money out of the house because it was the piggy bank. Because you know, money grows on trees.

No?? You mean in the spring when the leaves sprout and turn green that's not a sign of money growing on trees?? I could have sworn that is what our government thought and I learned from the greats like Barney Frank that money grows on trees. Darn!! No wonder I've been struggling to figure this out. Hmmm when will I get my bailout? I've been considering the idea of turning in my citizenship because I'd get treated better as an illegal alien. what do you all think?? Not a bad idea huh?

I just don't get it... I thought the stock market going up meant the recession was over. The leaves sprouting on the trees were green shoots that meant the recession is over. Oh are you saying in the fall when they turn brown and fall the recession will be back? No... you're kidding right? This is the Obama Administration and he's going to save us and save the nation with trillions in spending for healthcare reform once he is able to get rid of the wackos like me that speak at TEA parties and go to organizational meetings about our corrupt government. Just look at their plans, they're trying to find a way to attack people like me and belittle me for having a brain that's bigger than theirs. It's people like this guy below, yeah he's just going CRAZY I think someone should fear for the safety of others because he called a politician a liar!! No politicians don't lie, who are you kidding!!! They're all wonderful people trying to steal out money to fly on Gulfsteam jets build by General Dynamics from our tax dollars!!

Last three months housing starts are up the recession is over, Fannie Mae only loses $15.2 billion and the news of the day is that healthcare reform is like the Erie Canal!!

The well dressed people are because those people actually work for a living and have jobs. It was kind of funny coming from a racist who tried to pin black people against black people! How come nobody was calling the left angry mobs (though they'd set fires and such) over Bush. Are the RATS scared that the truth is becoming known. As this continues, the President;s approval will continue to go down the tubes because the cops act stupidly and we've all seen the pictures of the so calledracist cop helped Gates in his cane at the White House while Obama said the hell with the black man cuz he's the Messiah and can do as he pleases. You tell me whose the bad guy here


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baseball is back

With a 2 1/2 game lead on Boston heading into the big 4 game series this weekend, we got a preview from Walstreetpro2

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Senator Schumer actually does something good!

Despite his 5th grade mentality and lack of attention to details in realizing that Mary would be female name and hence would be a Chairwoman rather than a Chairman as mentioned on July 27th, this afternoon, Mary Schapiro took the high road and did something good for a change, after her disgraceful years as head of FINRA and not noticing that Bernie Madoff had a fraudulent brokerage firm.

Last week, the 3rd ranking RAT in the Senate, Charles Schumer sent a letter to Ms. Schapiro (see I know how to spell her name) about FLASH trading which basically allows the scum we know as Goldman Sachs to see your orders a split second before they actually go onto the market and they can step in between. Anyone who has used market orders may have been harmed by this action.

As we see here it is widely believed that flash trading will soon become illegal. We have some perspective here from Joseph Saluzzi of Themis Trading!

It's a step in the right direction and this government needs to stop protecting Goldman freggin Sachs. If they can make shitloads of money on a fair playign scale fine. You have a faster computer, fine, but see my order before the market does and use your faster computer to get in between me, no that's bullshit! It's about time Charles Schumer pushed for something I'll agree with. I'm sure I still disagree with him on 95% of topics but I will give him credit here for pushing it. Most of the credit should go to the other bloggers that are so beyond hard core into these things like you Tyler over at Zero Hedge! Keep it up, it seems like slowly as this government resists the Marxist to a slight extent and listens to the people a slight extent, we're taking our country back. It doesn't mean though that healthcare, etc. will go the right way.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

May the green shoots please continue!

As typical of a Thursday morning at 8:30 am, new jobless claims numbers came out and this week they were 584,000 which was worse than last week and worse than analysts' expected.

The interesting part of this is that the media outlets (CBS, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, and probably FoxNews too) continue to try and spin this along with the banks that got government aid.) One can talk about seasonally adjusted numbers and non-seasonally adjusted numbers but the point is that they're adjusted to reflect typical things that go on in certain areas of the nation. So I want to focus in on how the media was saying this is good news.

The number at 584,000 was worse than the 570,000 consensus estimate and worse than the 559,000 shown for last week. We can say oh Dave it's only one week and there is improvement going on. Well the big ticket item to the media was that the 4 week running average dropped to 559,000 as well, and the 4 week average smoothes out week to week fluctuations, BUT with 584,000 being higher than the 4 week average, I want to know how are we getting a green shoot from that? Lat week's jobless claims number was 559,000 and the week before that was in the 520,000 range. So for two straight weeks, the jobless claims numbers have increased. Meanwhile unemployment is high. The higher it gets, the less jobs there are to lose because less people have jobs. These current numbers don't give sign for economic growth, but do give sign for less of an economic contraction. How much of it is because of government spending??

Well about a week into the Cash for Clunkers program (I can't believe they called it clunkers. You trade in a perfectly good car for something with better gas mileage.) My Target Car, rest that baby is peace (ok I didn't want to get personal but I must here), would not qualify because it got more than 18 MPG. But is this a clunker to you?






If that's not a clunker I don't know what is. I was driving THAT car until April 2009 folks! That car would be ineligible not because it didn't drive but because it got better than 18 MPG. Well now the fund they're claiming is exhausted in a week. They're doing everything they can for you to buy your neighbor's car thru the tax code. don't worry you'll be paying for it later on when all these bonds from the record auctions come due, don't worry, it will happen, either thru taxes or deflating the dollar and the cost of our food and energy skyrocket like it's 2008 all over again, while they say there's no inflation because it's not CORE inflation.

This makes me think back to other incentive plans. Oh yeah that's right, it means everyone has a new car and they won't need to buy one and hence it hurts future demand. you watch what happens when this short term blip ends and then NOBODY wants a car. Good luck Government Motors, Chrysler and Ford, etc. I hope Ford never needs taxpayer assistance because this program hurt them and we know it's going to hurt them. Is the government soon going to make everyone buy a new car every 4 years or ban any car that's more than 5 years old from being driven to promote continuous car sales in the new fascist dictatorship we know as the Obamanation?? Oops did I just give those cronies an idea! Hey I'm not writing the laws they are. Don't look at me!!

So we continue to get these lies and spin and though I admit doomsday and the Great Depression II is off the table for now. this government might be setting us up for a day when it is so destructive there will be riots and looting and it will look like a 3rd world nation here as globalization continues. It's only hurting America unfortunately that our government puts in these policies that harm traditional Americans (not the protected rich elite like Goldman Sachs) and help illegal immigrants and foreign workers!

Just ask yourself is the 4 week jobless claims average is below the recent week's jobless claims in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years a good sign?? somehow it must be to CNBC. When Q3 has positive GDP cuz of the government spending and everyone says see we we're right there recession is over, I'll bring you all back to Q2 of 2008 when the economy grew at roughly 3% and George W. Bush said see the economy is just fine. Yeah that was so right on too. As I've felt, this recovery will be lackluster, might dip right back into recession might not, but the robust growth days aren't coming back for awhile and this might in fact just be like Japan. Very lackluster growth for what now 15-20 years, when Japan is growing. That's kind of what I see here with some government manipulated data that will show some quarters to do great because of inventory buildup, etc. I feel Q3 will be a positive quarter for all you folks out there.

The man with the male escort service bashing banks again

Yes we know that is Barney Frank, cuz running a prostitution ring out of your apartment is ok, just deny deny deny like your name is Ben Bernanke or justify it like your name is Hanky Panky and you'll be just fine.

Now Barney Frank, like Obama, wants to say screw contract law. You see this, just like he was tellign the banks, if you won't lend to the future deadbeats, we'll find someone who will, now he says to the banks, if you don't stop foreclosing the deadbeats, we'll make you.

Barney Frank likes legislating from the bench. He wants to authorize the judicial system to take over his power of law writing or determining what is ok and what isn't. Barney Frank needs to go to jail! He'll fit in just fine there being the way he is, I'm very sure he might actually enjoy it in a high security prison. I think Barney Frank should go to an all female high security prison to be tortured!! This man is corrupt, he;s a liar and he has no respect for contract law, just like Obama when he took the Constitution and shredded it by telling secured lends to screw off ad that unsecured creditors are better deserving since it's a union than bankrupted Chrysler, LLC. Oh screw the banks right? Well what if it's me. What if you don't pay me for something you buy and I give you the loan? Should Barney Frank say... oh that guy voted Libertarian, he's for LIBERTY and I'm for.... male escorts services and I'm for the deadbeats getting what they do not deserve. As we know from Savage, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder! Barney Frank has a mental disorder as well. Too bad he's got that damn pension from our tax dollars. It's truly a shame when Congress gets deals the rest of America can't. I think that's fascist in it's own righ to say if you don't stop foreclosures, I'll make legislation that forces you too. Cuz yeah contracts don't matter anymore. I think I should stop paying my student loan... or maybe when I take the mortgage out of my grandmother's estate, maybe I won't pay for it. But no Barney Frank won't come to my aid. I'm a Libertarian (until the Republican Party decides they're not going to be corrupt and be conservatives once again. Yes you too, Chris Christie in NJ. Dream on about getting my vote!)