Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Madoff gets 150 years, but many of the problems are still out there

Yesterday, the crook known as 71 year old Bernard Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison. He may be able to get out on parole in 82 years. But there is so much more to this than Bernard Madoff. According to the AP there are ten people they figure will be also charged in the Madoff fraud.

This failure goes well far beyond just the ponzi scheme. This is a failure of the United States Government as well. When Harry Markopolos told the Securities and Exchange Commission about Bernard Madoff and they did nothing back in 2005. How bad was the fraud back in 2005??? not a bad as it was in 2008, that's for sure. Oh common nobody can run a ponzi scheme that big, please. Well it happened idiots. Who was in charge of the S.E.C. back then??? Oh the ponzi scheme was working at the time, the government wanted nothing to do with it.

Now this is the funny stuff. Bernard Madoff donated lots of money to the Democrats INCLUDING NY Senator Charles Schumer I bet he never gives up that money he received, guarantee you that liberal lowlife piece of garbage gives up NOTHING.) Lowlife Christopher Cox was put in his position by the socialist George W. Bush who had already fucked up the Iraq war. We all know the Iraq war was not about weapons of mass destruction, and it was not about getting back at Saddam over his father. It was about dick Cheney and contract to Halliburton. Since when was Halliburton in the food business... I rest my case, $16 per meal, 2nd helping, another $16 to the taxpayer. So Since bush already screwed up the Iraq war, there was no way they were going to let this scandal go off on their watch. They figured oh let the next guy deal with it. Too bad it failed before then

As Lehman Brothers collapsed and everyone needed bucks, the Bernard Madoff scam fell apart. This deep recession screwed it all up. He has nowhere to hide. Thousands of people weren't going to get their money and he knew it so he just turned himself in saying, shit I can't do it anymore. He thought that would give him leniency. HAAAAA!!! His bullshit lies, good for him and 150 years. We know Ruth Madoff knew about it and his kids who worked for him, HAVE TO HAVE known about it. To hell with them all!! Good you wanna prosecute them. But why are the low lives in the SEC immune?? I'm sorry but something needs to be done considering they were told and did nothing. Shouldn't we hold these people accountable?? They've affected the very lives of many americans due to their ineptness and laziness. But oh Dave since it was only women that knew, it would look like a gender bias case.

I don't care, whomever knew about it, I don't care if they're black white, Asian, Lation, male or female, or maybe in today's world, they're something else? Why are these government officials who failed to do their jobs, whether they work for the SEC now or have left, not being targeted for this manipulation. We know who was contacted and who saw this case and we know they ignored it. the lowlife liberal Charlie Schumer maybe bought them out, well then impeach that lowlife from his Senatorial seat. TO HELL WITH HIM!!

The American people fail to realize that government failed them and so as Obama talked about more regulation, it is they that allowed this to go on. you can't stop all the criminals in the world but when you're job is to protect the average American, whose trying to invest for their future or their children's future, shouldn't they be held to a higher standard working on the public dollar?

Maybe we should we abolish the SEC, FINRA and the Federal Reserve and start over. Start over with something that will work, something that will incentivize convictions. Forget the SEC since it's only civil penalties. Unless you can make the SEC civil and criminal so jail time can happen too. We'll see how many CEOs use aggressive accounting when they know it may mean 20 years. Yeah that's right!! We want true full disclosure. Not corrupt fantasy Obama.

LESS POWER TO THE FED and OPEN Transparency with the markets. That's not what the NYSE is doing yet they claim to be for more open markets. You think I am kidding. Go read what Zero Hedge showed me today. Straight from the NYSE today. Umm.. that's not fake there are documents there to support it. The NYSE responded with this bogus garbage as well. I think the financial world is getting obsessed to this blog that speaks the truth. Kudos to Tyler for all the great work you do!!

What it shows you is that the NYSE , nor the Administration wants transparency as they claim. Mr. Fraud Obama, the most transparent administration in history, wants to hide things from you so GOLDMAN SACHS profits more. You think he really wanted executive caps. Please why do u think Geithner said no we don't wanna cap executive compensation. It's because of Goldman Sachs in my opinion!!! YOU THOUGHT BERNIE MADOFF WAS BAD BUT GOLDMAN SACHS IS WORSE

GOLDMAN SACHS IS WHY YOU'RE PAYING $2.50 A GALLON FOR GAS IN NJ. Without Goldman Sachs you'd be paying less than $2, I promise you. There has been ZERO fundamental reason for oil prices to DOUBLE since Christmas yet they have. Why, GOLDMAN SACHS tripled their commodities exposure via the TARP and they've been cashing out slowly (remember as gains come, you get more leverage and they'd use it but it's all about the game, they cashed out slowly to pay back TARP to give their cronies max bonuses. RECORD BONUSES.)

These clowns will get RECORD BONUSES while you struggles to keep your job or find a job. So whose pocket is this Marxist dictator in? He's not in the pockets of investors as we saw with Chrysler and him shredding the Constitution like he's the Honduran President (oh no wonder he supports him instantly with Chavez and Castor yet it took him 4 days of pressure from the U.S. Media to say the people of Iran have a right to peaceful protest.) That was the pressure of the people of America who've yet to realize we live within a Marxist DICTATOR WHO WANTS TO RUIN YOUR LIFE AND HAVE THE ILLEGAL MEXICAN IMMIGRANT TAKE YOU OVER. you think I'm kidding, wait, the amnesty bill is coming you dumb fool. Didn't you see Obama shit on the Constitution with Chrysler, I told you all about it. Obama is scum to America. He hated America. Don't listen to that fool, he's a lying bastard!!

George Bush failed this country. Chris Cox let this garbage go on, the SEC ignored Harry Markopolos though he warned of this. Why isn't Chris Cox being arrested, why aren't the people this man spoke too being arrested. Fine those pieces of lowlife garbage. It should be taken from the personal pay. I hear these fools crying that they want the gov't and SIPC to pay them back. you made a stupid investment. you want money back, go after those in the SEC and FINRA (Oh shoot that's Mary Schapiro the Obama friend, we don't wanna mess that up because someone will get fired like Walpin did for uncovered fraud from the lowlife Point guard, Kevin Johnson, mayor of Sacramento, California. Madoff donated lots to Schumer. Go tell Senator Schumer he must pay back that money he received. that liberal schmuck will in a sense tell you to suck his balls!! Hell Obama got $100,000 in campaign contributions from AIG. Where's that money??? In HIS POCKET. NO OUTRAGE OVER THAT. But god damn you have outrage over someone actually getting paid to work. WTF is wrong with you dumb fools in America. where is your outrage to Washington who LET THIS ALL HAPPEN!!! THEY DID NOTHING

Goldman Sachs in in Obama's pocket's Becoming a Marxist first means taking over the financial institutions and that's happened with the 34% stake in Citigroup and the way they're protecting Goldman Sachs (or does GS stand for Government Sponsored?) $10 billion in TARP, tripled commodities exposure, oil has double,s they've cashed out slowly to not affect prices, they've paid back TARP and can pay record bonuses this year from the gains in the commodities and hmm.. why are the Nigerian militants wearing shirts that say GS. any relation to Goldman Sachs pushing oil prices higher? Hey I'm not calling it a conspiracy but you've got to wonder. I truly believe Goldman Sachs is worse for America than Bernard Madoff is. When the NYSE will no longer show how Goldman Sachs manipulates our markets, you have to wonder whose pocket someone is in. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Hopefully Zero Hedge will find another way to expose Goldman Sachs (Gov't Sachs, Goddamn Sachs, Government Sponsored.)

Ok so you thought that was some conservative spin right. How about CNN, the Communist News Network as I have called it which is becoming more legit (outside of Wolf Blitzer and Larry King) showing it as well, Just listening to the first 40 seconds, the rest doesn't matter to this post:

So I need to ask you, WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE THAT THIS MARXIST HAS LIED STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE LIKE HIS NAME IS GEORGE W. BUSH?? That's right you don't care, you're too caught up in what's gonna happen to Michael Jackson's estate though u won't see a penny of it, So much for the most transparent Administration ever. Whose knows whose gotten what in the $787 billion stimulus??? I don't know do you??? I didn't think so.

I do know that last week, CEO of Nucor (2nd largest steel company) said they got nothing from the stimulus. I thought Obama said it was about fixing our roads and bridges. Wouldn't steel be a major factor in fixing a bridge?? Wouldn't you think?? Oh but no, the 2nd latest steel maker hasn't gotten diddly from it.

Take a look at this link from Bloomberg TV last week with the Nucor CEO. It came up at the very end about the waste of a fraud Obama is. Everyone is onto to this. His approval ratings are declining.... They're using Michael Jackson and the toilet bowl clearer boy Mays to distract you from the fraud that is Barack Obama!! Don't worry the elections will allow him new life with the amnesty to the 20 million illegal immigrants. He'll have ACORN set them up to vote and we already know how great ACORN is under investigations in 14 states for voter fraud. Don't worry they're involved in the census next year and will be involved in the vote to keep Socialist American in charge and Marxist Obama in charge. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. All in the name of transparency to help out Bernard Madoff!!

It is not a joy he's gone for 150 years and I don't wanna hear these fools who made terrible decisions wanting SIPC to bail them out. You were stupid. nobody is bailing me out from the 16 points I'm off on my CRM short position are they? BAIL ME OUT and then we can talk. no I don't wanna bail out. I screwed up but I believe I will do better than where the position is now. Take my lumps. That's life!! Grow up u fools. You greedy bastards who thought Madoff was God. That's what you get for not doing Due Diligence. Same thing I get, lost money!! Get over yourselves!! Yeah u paid taxes on fake gains. you don't like it, call for a change in tax laws. I'll agree with you. But during your time, you're screwed sorry. This country is broke as it is, we can't pay for your greedy move to be with Madoff, or the fund of funds idea to be with Madoff. Go get your money from them, don't bother the taxpayer with your unwise move. Take that company to court and try and bankrupt them you fool. I didn't invest with Madoff, why should I pay for your greedy ass?? I won't and nobody else should. your loss is your doing, anything you get back should come from whatever is recovered from Madoff. Sorry, too bad, your problem. Unfair yes, the tax code is unfair in these cases but if you did your work ahead of time, you'd know that. It's why I don't invest in mutual funds. I'd rather buy my own stocks and buy my own bonds. That's the only way to go. then I only pay taxes on what I actually make, not some handout the fund company gives because they must. Your fault, your problem, go away. You knew the rules and if you didn't that's your stupid ass for not knowing before you invested your money. Sorry, go away, leave the rest of us alone with your stupidity for investing with a fraud!

Another way to get you money is to sue Chris Cox personally and sue those who worked at the SEC personally. I'm all for that. They failed you. Go get them. Ruin their lives for being lazy pieces of garbage. that they deserve. I did nothing to you, don't you dare touch the general government funds. How dare you when we're carrying $1.8 trillion Marxist deficits but this liberal spend happy fool. He'll spend it all because it's not his money, it's our money!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Did CNBC forget whose side they are on?

Gotta love Larry Levin at 2:22. Absolutely 100% correct and Rick Santelli says it like it is. It's only a matter of time before Rick Santelli gets removed like others who have talked badabout what the government is doing.

What do you think this whole green shoots thing is. It's the government stealing taxpayer money to act as if they're doing a great job when nothing is being done! These government people don't know how to make anything except a derivative product that will eventually implode.

Thanks Zero Hedge for positing this on your site!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The biggest tax increase ever passes the House

Passes 219-212. 44 RATS voted against this bill, 8 CANNOTS voted for it like the fools they are. A copy of the bill can be read here:

I want you to hear from a scientist on global warming!

Our government and Al Gore has never had to deal with the other side. Al Gore never has once had to debate a skeptic on global warming. There was a chance for this to occur this April, as we know with the corrupt government we have, this did now happen. Of course nobody in the media will tell you about this but I will show you via Climate Depot

Listen from 4:40 on. This was Lord Christopher Monckton on the Savage Nation!

Now Lord Monckton was talking about sun spots! I can tell you FOR A FACT about sun spots as I have seen them with my own eyes through a properly screened telescope. While in college at the University of Pittsburgh, I took a course titled 'Stonehenge to Hubble' and one of the things we spoke about were sun spots. The professor had the proper telescope and lens, that you could look directly at the sun and the lens filters out everything that would cause blindness. As we know a traditional telescope and looking into it while it is directed at the sun could cause extreme damage to the optic nerve. I got to see the actual dark spots on the sun and there was a decent amount of them. Now I cannot say I saw what it was 50 years ago and compare it to now but I did actually look through a telescope straight into the sun and got a glimpse.

I am a true believer that global warming is caused by the sun's activities. As I learned about a star's sequence going through school, I'm not sure if it is taught anymore to students being dumb down by liberal America taxing us to death


So eventually over the very long term, the sun will become a red giant and expand and destroy the planet. There is no way for 'The Messiah" Obama to stop this. I know he thinks he can solve all the world's problem by taxing us to death (while he and his friends get rich off of it.) This is a devastating tax that will work slowly.

The biggest problem with this mostly is that it has been a one sided argument. Just like the corrupt CANNOT party when they were in power a few years ago. What's the real issue is that neither party works for us anymore. they're doing whatever they can to stuff their own pockets as if they were Goldman Sachs!! That is not the purpose of government. This is a bill written up by Henry Waxman (or as some call him. nostril boy, just look at his nostrils in this video.)

He doesn't know what is in his own bill?? You're joking right? No this is the government of the United States. Henry Waxman will promote anything and waste as much tax payer money on steroids in baseball. We can talk about this on both sides of the aisle but right now the RATS are in control so they're getting blasted by me! Tough!!

How can someone ever sign a bill that they haven't read. So of course the RATS hire a speed reader to read the 1000 pages or so of documents in this Cap & Trade tax that will screw over the economy of America in the long run. You know what is even more sick. Look at both the RATS and the CANNOTS laughing about this

He reads and they clap and such. Who the hell cares how fast he can read. Can anyone take in 8 hours of that non-stop and remember anything the bill says. When we talk about reading the bill, we're not just saying you read it but do you understand it, do you understand how it affects the American people, those of which you "claim" to serve (but really do it to serve yourselves only.)

Basically since global temperatures are cooling since 2001, the liar named Al Gore and the corrupt politicians of our time are ramming throught this bill now since no matter what they're going to be able to say see global temperatures are going down. These wackadoo RATS will come out and say this legislation is cooling the Earth (when we already know it began 8 years ago and nobody is giving George W. Bush credit, cuz he deserves none. Nobody controls what the suns does) Then the idiots we know as the typical uninformed American going out partying, getting knocked up and high, will say oh see what good Obama has done for the enviroment!! This was great legislation, even if I'm paying $5 for gas and my electric bill has tripled. It's the dumb down of America and this regressive tax will harm the poor. but don't worry, you won't get an electric bill that says carbon tax, because Obama remember, was goignto give 95% of americans a tax cut!! What it will look like to you is that the energy companies are ripping you off and it will make you hate them all that much more! It's all about you loving government and hating business. So what happens then, even more government control on your life. that's sadly what you idiots out there want because you're TOO LAZY TO DO YOUR OWN WORK AND EARN YOUR OWN LIVING!!! YOU WANT OBAMA TO GIVE IT TO YOU (and it will be anal.)

Not only this, but more of our hard earned tax dollars will be going to foreign countries. Don't you love the idea of giving money away. George Bush did it while working to bankrupt our country with his socialist views. Obama talks about keeping jobs here but wants to send all this money elsewhere via the New World Order. don't you just love the idea of sending money to Brazil so they can employ more people as the unemployment rate in America continues to rise. All you hear Obama talk about is the new industries and jobs that will be created. Not about the demise of the coal industry and al lthe jobs that will be lost from this. Can the RETARDS IN AMERICA GO LOOK AT SPAIN YOU DUMB NIMWITS!!!

Oh but Dave, times are bad around the globe and jobs are being lost everywhere, you're jsut giving some right wing conspiracy sicne you hate Obama. Oh really??? How about we look at the unemployment rate so you know how bad it really is in Spain. Yes people, that can be America if the Senate passed this tax hike on we the people. That's what left win politics does. Oh notice the unemployment rates are higher across the board over the years in that chart too. Socialism isn't good and we're going down the path of beyond socialism, but Leninism!! If you don't like that SPEAK UP. GO TO A TEA PARTY ON JULY 4TH!! The government must listen if the masses of people come out in droves and say ENOUGH THIS IS MY COUNTRY TOO.

This is a bill that's going to be supported by NBC, MSNBC, etc. as General Electric stands to reap huge rewards from alternative energy!! The nyou got these little firms Boone Pickens is pushing and Nancy Mussolini has stock in, like Clean Energy Fuels. You think she's not gonna push a bill to suit her needs. You think Al Gore whose funded Hara Software to make the software for this carbon emissions gig, doesn't stand to reap loads of money off it!! He will and you, the consumer will be left holding the bag full of hidden taxes that you never see. Then there will be what a revolt against the energy companies??? I'm tired of this government taking on greater and greater power. It's moving towards life liek a North Korean!! Isn't that lovely! We're moving to be like Cuba. no wonder Obama wants to negotiate with these folks. And Americans are too stupid to see this!

If Al Gore was so concerned about global warming, don't you lead by example?? Straight from the liberal media ABC (All Barack Channel)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Financial Regulation working for you??

With the new Administration in place five month and his big "CHANGE" speeches he gave all across American and the globe (what Presidential candidate goes to Germany to speak, unless he's trying to get illegal campaign money thru the internet.) Oh I must be crazy right? Does it make sense for him to go speak to Germans as a Senator running for President. they can't vote for him (well maybe via ACORN election fraud they can, yes 14 states and no never once supported a Republican Candidate so, you be the judge?) 7 minutes and 20 seconds into it. Hmm... English is my first language so I should try something else. WHAT???

But lets look at Wall Street since that affects many people's lives every day. Their 401(ks) to the prices of commodities, including your food and gasoline, etc.) We know Obama has taken over the auto companies, and Citigroup. Our previous socialist Administration took over Fannie and Freddie, along with AIG. Believe it or not, Barack Obama is on the side of Wall Street!!

One of the greatest blogs on the internet, yes I said on the internet, Zero Hedge, is exposing it. As Obama talks about financial regulatory reform and making a less transparent Federal Reserve have more power as I mentioned last week about the problems Obama wants to create for the future of the typical American. This very eloquent man who talks so smoothly is similar to the jock in high school that played all the ladies, who them had felt as if they were dirty and dealth with depression as the guy walked around bragging about where he's planted his seed. Cuz all that matters in liberal America is that it FEELS GOOD, forget the morals and respect of others. Well Barack is doing the same thing. He's no different from the CANNOT Party, formerly known as Republicans.

I suggest you read that post and take a look at what government is doing. The fact that people are getting threatened by their companies to speak to Zero Hedge and that FINRA and the SEC (who couldn't find Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme after being told about it years ago. The New York Slimes reports about how these government firms go after the smaller fish and don't wanna challenge the big guy 9kind of the opposite in foreign polciy and those tryingto make or develop nukes now intimidate the USA as Obama is scared of everyone except the investor's of corporations in america. Obama hates people like me who try to take my hard earning money and invest it wisely. To hell with Obama. Hope you're cigarette addiction leads to a stroke overnight from a clogged artery to your brain that doesn't function too well.

Zero Hedge is trying to get everyone on the inside (which unfortunately is not me) to expose this and put pressure of the slime we know as Mary Schaprio. She failed to find Madoff as the head of FINRA under the Bush Administration and now she fails to find the big Wall Street guys manipulating our markets as the media pushes green shoots. Green shoots while weekly jobless claims rise and more than 350,000 jobs get lost each month. We'll see the new number this coming Friday, July 3rd. I'm sure it will not be pretty with mass layoffs hitting a record in May (meaning a company lays off 50 or more people at a clip.)

What you see here is regulators are either "scared of the big guy" OR "in the pockets" of the big guy. Well you know what I think. The government is the most powerful entity and Obama showed it by shredding the Constitution earlier this month in the Chrysler, LLC bankruptcy and we're watingto see how his attempts with Government Motors will work. He's got a few more people willing to battle him including the Unitred Steelworkers union (shit which union do you choose to help out Barack. The right one which is USW or the wrong one which is the UAW.) Barack needs to make sure he gets 8 years so we all know who he's pushig plus 60% ownership. He loves that kind of power. that's what it's all about.

I want to advocate and give credit to Zero Hedge. Their blog is incredible and they are exposing the truth. When they are not sure they say so. They are very accurate in their reporting and they get so much inside information. I don't know these people personally but I get accolades for spotting our favorite anger management boy, walstpro2 on YouTube!

you don't need to watch the financial markets daily like I do. But this blog tells me a lot. They're doing the work that the S.E.C. and F.I.N.R.A. won't do. They expose the big guys and the lies and the manipulation they pull on us investors which puts them ahead of us and they make the money and we lose our shirts. Ever wonder how they do so well in their trading businesses all these years?? Easy accessand regulators ignoring it. It's not more regulation that we need, it is proper regulation but see, moeny and greed is what rules the country and it's not just Wall Street it is the kickbacks these government officials get. Nobody understands how corrupt our government is. nobody in mainstream media will talk about this though Zero Hedge is soon going to be mainstream media with their exsposure of the corrupt lowlives that destroy America. Once the people get onto this, true anger may happen. Aren't you tires of working your ass off, producing a real product and barely getting by. MAybe have a lot of debt and can barely pay it, if u can even pay it. Meanwhile these folks on Wall St. who've never produced a thing in their lives but push paper, are loaded beyond belief and laugh in our faces everyday!! IT's amazing and nobody speaks out about it. Nobody!! If Goldman Sachs is doing illegal things to make their billions to pay out their record bonuses and out government is not doing the job. There is a major problem. There is a major problem when Zero Hedge finds this and people who get paid on a daily bases with your tax dollars can't or they just ignore it!! How sickening is that?? This is what CHANGE we got from Obama!! Are you kidding me!!!

No wonder I don't want to buy any stocks these days. How do I know it's not rigged against me!! It surely seems like it when I read these things and I know they're accurate. I knowbecause when Zero Hedge is not sure, they state it. bloomberg terminal data does not lie and they post the graphs all the time that prove exactly what they're talking about!! Nothing fake about it.

So when you idiot liberal Americans think, Obama is for the people. No he's for the poor voting cuz they'll think he's the man since he's not a white male, he's for the unions and there's plenty of things that prove that, and he's for the elite on Wall Street and Goldman Sachs is the perfect example. He's not for the person he claims he is for, that being you!! Wake up America. The real change we need, takes us the people, not government reigning on our lives. These two parites are power hungry. When one i in chagrge they screw us and the other side talks a good game that they're for the people and when they get power the same things occurs. We need this two party system ABOLISHED!!!

Thank you Zero Hedge for exposing these things and making me so much more aware of the way this game is rigged against me and how government is screwing the people and makingthemselvesand Goldman Sachs wealthy off this. As they say the rich get richer and the poor get poorer but as Savage says, we have trickle up poverty here!! The middle class joining the poor who get propped up a little. So the edcuated person without the connections will live the same life as the dropout with no brains and snorts coke for a living. Truly wonderful!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The healthcare debate

Through all this media spin about public option and government run health care, we have yet to hear a good story. We get the liberals saying it's GREAT!!!! We get the conservatives saying, it's THE END OF AMERICA (I thought that was Chrysler and the shredding of the Constitution folks.)

The real problem is those stories do nothing about the real issue which is ever rising health care costs, the defunct private and public systems of medical insurance. It's not like the government has done a good job with Medicaid and Medicare, which is scheduled to be bankrupt in the next 10 years or so. Oh it won't go under, they'll just cut the services, which means less quality health care. Telling companies to cut administrative costs as Obama says, again doesn't solve the long run issue and all it does is temporarily cut that aspect and the other waste continues on and on.

Obama states that the public option allows for better competition. That one can see what each plan offers and if the gov't does it for less, it will force private insurance to reduce costs. Then he says, if you like your plan, you make no changes. Well Barry, if I work for a company, who can reduce their expense by going to the government so they make a greater profit. I as the employee do not get that choice. The company just moves over to that plan for their own pockets and I'm left holding the gov't bag. Majority of americans don't "choose" their health care, it is whatever the plan their company signs up for, that's what they get. So don't give me that crap that if someone like their health care they can keep their plan. that THE BIGGEST BOLDFACED LIE YOU CAN TELL ANY RATIONAL AMERICAN THAT HAS A BRAIN!!! What is needed it true reform!

Now last week, my boss at my part time job was telling me about an obese customer whining and moaning and crying like the hippie liberal that person must be (gimme gimme gimme.) They poke about how it costs them more because they are obese and how it's not fair. That's like the person who has a DUI saying it's not fair the person with a clean record is paying less than half the rate the drunk is paying. Duh you're a greater risk. youyr past behavior, even if you didn't crash, says you are irresponsible. Well same goes for health care. Obese people have higher rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disaease, cancer, etc. So damn it yeah you should pay more!! You don't like it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR LIFESTYLE!!! I know it's not fair... there's issues in the genes and all but you can still do something about it to make yourself less of a health risk to insurance companies, OR THE TAXPAYER WHEN THIS SOCIALIZED PLAN GETS RAMMED DOWN OUR THROATS BY A MARXIST DICTATOR LIKE PRESIDENT!

So, it's funny that last night I heard something good and shockingly it came from a Democrat. Adam Smith, 9th district of Washington was on 'The Young Turks' talk show. They spoke about the public option and he stated that if the public option was set up like Medicare, he would vote against it. Why when this is a liberal like thing? Well maybe because he's got more brains than most political leaders. He earned my respect with this. He spoke about his state of Washington being efficient and getting less from Medicare because of it while states that are inefficient and have lots of waste like NY, FL, etc. get more money from Medicare. Makes me think of the Rick Santelli rant about Obama's mortgage modification plan!! I'll repost here the rant of the year. He says it in the first 20 seconds and Adam Smith says that this is what Medicare does (hmm. who runs Medicare??)

Adam Smith He said things can be done without the gov't and it's been seeen in the private insurance market. He specifically mentioned the Safeway Plan. I had no idea what the Safeway Plan was because there are no Safeway supermarkets around here. I've never seen one but apprently there's a couple in the Mid-Atlantic States. It's mostly a west coast and southwest chain along the states of the Mexican border.

I think the debate should not be about government run health care, or for profit insurance. All that is being talked about in general is giving all access but nothing about HOW it will work. The Safeway model to me, looks like the way to go to control costs and sadly I think Adam Smith is the only one talking about it!!

Controlling costs and rewarding GOOD BEHAVIOR will help people to live better, more healthy lives!! I'm sick of this bs about the cost. Why is it? There's a lot to the equation and isn't it interesting that they've had zero increase i nthe past four years while the nation is up 38%. Obviously they're doing something right and something innovative and it's working. Maybe it's why they're surviving the Walmart onslaught to try and put every grocery business out. Look to Safeway and that should be the standard we start off with to reform the system and control costs so people can afford to have health care.

If you want to do something about making it more available to others fine, don't screw the people over by taking it over and running an inefficient system. Adam Smith referred to Massachusetts where 97% of people have heath care but it's Medicare like and draining the system. Yes the Federal Gov't can print money. Bernanke is already doing that but that leads to what? Eventually it leads to inflation and that means what? Ever rising health care costs due to inflation!! WOW we're back at the same problem we have now. So what is Massachusetts doing with their "socialized medicine?" Well they're having to make cuts. What does that mean?? Not higher quality health care. Cuts means LOWER QUALITY HEALTH CARE!

Don't read the media spin. Look at what is working out there and the Safeway model looks to me like it is working and it is a much greater improvement than the garbage we have out there with gov't run healthcare and draining the system and subsidies to put insurance companies out (it happened with Medicare in the 70s.) Who pays those subsidies? Taxpayers!! What is that? A BAILOUT! The Safeway model improves the private insurance that it out there today and I'd like to see that become the standard to make healthcare more affordable for Americans out there!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More green shoots talk

I guess the economy is recovering from this news right Obama fans???

Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:39pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of mass layoffs by U.S. employers rose last month to tie a record set in March, according to government data released on Tuesday that suggested the labor market has yet to stabilize.

The Labor Department said the number of mass layoff actions -- defined as job cuts involving at least 50 people from a single employer -- increased to 2,933 in May from 2,712 in April, resulting in the loss of 312,880 jobs.

It was the largest loss of jobs connected to mass layoffs on records dating to 1995.

While signs have emerged suggesting the 18-month-old U.S. recession has begun to ease, the labor market continues to deteriorate.

The U.S. unemployment rate hit 9.4 percent in May, the highest in nearly 26 years, and economists expect a report on July 2 to show it climbed further to 9.6 percent this month.

The economy has lost six million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. Economists polled by Reuters expect the economy shed a further 368,000 jobs in June.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Green shoots dead??

As we've been getting the spin from the government/media complex to try and make Marxism look as if it is the way to go and that 'The Messiah' is fixing all the world's problems and going to make all the middle class and poor so much better off, we had a big event today.

The stock market has been rising very rapidly since the lows in March. the S&P 500, a very broad index used to gauge how large corporations are doing in America. It was up over 40% and the green shoots have really gotten big time since this index moved above the 200 day moving average, seen a technical positive for the markets. But today we got new news from the World Bank, who like most who follow and understand economics know, that CNBC and other news outlets on television, don't tell you the whole story, just what you want to hear. Yeah, people say to be positive and that optimism breeds success. But irrational exuberance when it is uncalled for (meaning just because you love Obama does'nt mean he's so wonderful,) leads to harder, more painful falls and misery, as individual investors have been doing for years, buying high and selling low with their mutual funds, 401 (k)s, etc.

Well as you see on this chart below (which doesn't freggin show up right damn it as we are well past the 16th), the closing quote of 893.04 and being down just over 3% today alone, put the index back in negative territory for the year and back below the 200 day moving average.


This is a bearish sign for stocks and if the stock market is a gauge to recovery and the health of the U.S. economy you have to begin to wonder. Has the gov't forces of trying to push the markets ever higher run out of steam, now that the banks have recapitalized from this and the frauds of stress tests that said they had to recapitalize. All this spin and green shoots was made to make sure the taxpayer doesn't implode and want a revolution over a 2nd bank bailout. All well and dandy, except for the fact that individual investors in general don't understand or believe that Washington and Wall St. work together. Don't think for one minute Obama isn't in the pockets of the rich execs on Wall St. their little spin of compensation is a farce. It's meant to appease the idiots, also know as the traditional voter, who actually believed these green shoots. If you want to be a believer, just go watch the spin on CNBC and the commercial real estate market beings to implode some more this year. Keep watching the spin as more jobs get lost each month. Keep believing it as they never tell you about the bad news going on. The big drop today they make lame ass excuses for like the lack of upbeat headlines has allowed allowing participants to take control of the losing session. Well duh every trade in the market involves participants in it, retard.

The media will make those like myself who are not a believer in the bogus green shoots theory, out to be evil. I mean fundamentals tell me there's still economic decline. Retail sales have been weak, credit contraction is going on, foreclosures have had three straight months over 300,000, job losses continue, even if the pace is slightly less bad. It's not like jobs are being created (yet they'll tell you their $787 billion stimulus plan is working, but as I showed a few days ago, it's not working to create or save 3 million jobs by the White House data, and where they come up with that who knows, especially when the Vice President says we guessed wrong. Probably guess wrong on that 150,000 jobs too.

Maybe we should look to legitimate bankers (Yes out Treasury Secretary Geithner was a Federal Reserve banker as well in the past, who orchestrated bailouts of Bear Stearns and AIG but he still blames TurboTax for his tax issues, cuz apparently as head of the IRS, he just doesn't know what is a tax deduction and what isn't.) So maybe we should look to other bankers since he's really unqualified to comment being part of the Obama spin machine as he gets laughed at in China! Here below, thanks the hard working folks like Tyler over at Zero Hedge, we got a 4 page report from the Federal Reserve Bank of SF, getting their take on fiscal stimulus. Doesn't sound like green shoots to me

SF Fed Downturns and Fiscal Policy

The Gerald Walpin saga continues

As if things couldn't get any worse for the Marxist dictator we know as Obama!! After firing Inspector General, Gerald Walpin for busting Obama's cohort buddy, now Sacramento Mayor and former NBA All Star, Kevin Johnson, with over $400,000 of misused TAXPAYER MONEY The FBI has now begun an investigation of the Sacramento Mayor and his St. HOPE foundation.

Obama is looking worse and worse by the day yet the fools we know as liberal america obsessed with their retard celebrities in Hollywood that are all liberals but no no no don't tough their millions, they worked hard for that (like nobody else works hard.)

You have to start wondering why the government/media complex does not talk about all the crooked things this imposter does. Well because they're in his pockets as we know. Look at the demise of the newspaper industry. you don't think they and their unions are waiting to get bailed out by the taxpayer. Common they saw him do it with the autos and they all love the man and talk so eloquently like he's brilliant but he's not as smart as you think. He's like that 'smooth talkin' dude that was playing all the girls back in high school, kind of like Bill Clinton. See, George Bush was a terrible President but at least we all got to laugh at his lack of eloquency while giving a speech. Can't wait to see how this gets all smeared up too. I guess the next thing is that Robert Mueller is soon not going to be the Director of the FBI. You watch? Mark my words the day is coming soon that OBama will say he no longer has confidence that Robert Mueller can handle the task because George W. Bush put him in there. He'll tell him he has to resign or he'll be removed like he did to Gerald Walpin. It's more like the guy is busting your corrupt friends Barry. Your corrupt friends that you taught the way it was done in Chicago with the Chicago Political Machine out there. We're onto you boy!! No Not President, BOY!

Government Motors news

As I look to Zero Hedge for insightful, honest information. We see that Obama will have a lot more challenges to deal with Government Motors than the ram thru, piss on the Constitution, this is Rule of Obama land, he showed with Chrysler, LLC.

The best part about all of this, the Ohio attorney general mentioned here is a Democrat. Obama isn't going to be able to pull fast ones because unlike Chrysler, LLC, he can't pull thehat over you and say, we need this done in 3 days, 4 hours, 32 minutes and 12 seconds or the government (as opposed to Fiat) is going to walk away. People this of Obama as a Democrat and I know I call them RATS and CANNOTS. But Obama is neither (well he might be like the rats you find in the city), he's a true community organizer and a Marxist. That's why he's trying to ram this 363 bankruptcy up the taxpayers behind, like he did to bankruptcy law, dealers and secured creditors of Chrysler, LLC.

Click on the link to the story highlighted in paragraph one.

Letter from the Indiana State Pension Funds

Point exactly said here. Your President Barack Huessin Obama took a dump on the U.S. Constitution and he will forever be the biggest asshole in U.S. Political HISTORY in my book because nothing and nobody comes before the integrity that has made the United States of America, the land of opportunity for over 200 years!! Anyway, here's his letter

Dear Friends & Supporters:

Now that all of the media attention and inquires have lessened, I wanted to thank all of you for the supportive phone calls, kind notes, and encouraging e-mails regarding Indiana’s involvement in the Chrysler, LLC bankruptcy proceedings. I have tried to respond to each of you individually, but given the enormous number of letters, calls, and emails have made that impossible. Forgive me for this impersonal note, which may read like a form letter, but please know that I have been personally touched by the incredible response of kindness by all of you.

From the beginning, Indiana’s legal challenges to the Chrysler, LLC bankruptcy dealt with the federal government throwing away the rules of bankruptcy law to benefit a select few. Indiana’s retired state police officers, retired teachers, and Hoosier taxpayers were victimized by illegal acts of the federal government, which was wrong. Let me be very clear, we never once suggest that Chrysler, LLC had broken the law. In reality, Chrysler, LLC, like any other corporation, could not have ignored 150 years of bankruptcy law like the federal government did.

I hold as a point of pride -- despite all the attacks by a couple of newspaper editorials, Chrysler, LLC, Indiana Congressman Joe Donnelly, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, and some others -- no one EVER challenged us on the points of law. In the New York Bankruptcy Court, the New York District Court, the United States 2nd District Court of Appeals, and even the United States Supreme Court, no attorney for either the federal government or Chrysler, LLC, ever attempted to dispute our legal arguments. Even in the denial of our request to halt the bankruptcy proceedings by the Supreme Court of the United States, Madame Justice Ginsburg stated, “This denial of stay is not a decision on the merits on the underlying legal issues.” In essence, the Supreme Court prohibited our case from being heard on a technicality therefore deciding not to rule on the points of law that we raised.

The bankruptcy proceedings are finished and most of Chrysler, LLC is now the Chrysler Group. I hope to see them be productive, profitable, and prosperous.

Thank you again for your words of encouragement and for your support of my efforts to protect Indiana’s retirees and taxpayers.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Financial Regulatory Restructing to make government bigger and not solve a damn thing

This past week, the White House released a report that outlined their plan for changes to the financial regulatory structure.

I find it appalling that they're giving the Federal Reserve 'also known as The Fed' more powers. The Fed already has a dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment (you can see they're failing at the employment aspect right now.) No other central bank has that. Central banks around the world concern themselves with price stability only. Now there's more the Fed will have to do. How can we give this institution so much. They're now going to be in charge of making sure non-financial institutions that can have a dramatic effect on the economy are regulated. What does this mean? It means that even Walmart will come within the Fed's power. But the Fed is not accountable to anyone. It is non-partisan which is good but they've been printing money and we know how much, but we don't know where it's going to, whose getting it, etc. Here's a look at the current Fed Balance sheet, thanks to Zero Hedge

The Fed is the biggest influence on economic growth in the nation as it is. They have created the bubbles and recessions of the past decade. There's been many of them as well. Back in December of 1996, we had Alan Greenspan talking about 'irrational exuberance.' At that time, the internet bubble was beginning and we saw the likes of technology and computer related company stocks soaring. Then Alan Greenspan talked the inflation game (it wasn't inflationary though because of the extremely productive American worker) when it was really an asset bubble and products full of malarkey and this bogus year 2000 glitch that never happened. So Greenspan raised interest rates, and we had an inverted yield curve. For all of you out there, that's when short term interest rates are higher than long term interest rates. It was said to be a conundrum, when in fact it was the sign recession was coming. The internet bubble popped in 2000 (no longer having year 2000 bullshit to sell) and the interest rates being too high, created a recession.

Bush frauds called it the Clinton recession. I still hear idiots like Sean Hannity call it the Clinton recession. Puhleeze it was the Alan Greenspan bubble and bust. He was the main person behind it all. This isn't to say government doesn't play a role. It does!! But without the Federal Reserve setting it up, the government plans would never occur.

In response to the recession, the Fed was cutting interest rates. Greenspan pushed Fed Funds rates all the way down to 1% (it is currently 0 to 0.25% for the Fed Funds rate.) The recovery was already occurring yet the Fed continued to cut interest rates. Whether this was set up by the likes of Barney Frank (because he wanted every turd to own a home whether they could pay for it or not) or our current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke (who was on the Board of Governors and voted with interest rate changes back then.) pushing deflation talk in 2002. Recovery was already beginning. That's what leads to inflation. We had it in homes and as this bubble popped we saw it in food and commodities as well (we all remember skyrocketing gas prices of recent years.) All these things happen over time. Who created most of it? The Federal Reserve. Despite Barney Frank wanting every turd to own a home, the Fed could have put a stop to that and said that it was unhealthy for the macro economy and not left interest rates at 1% so long.

The Fed not only cut rates as the economy was turning, but left rates at 1% for a long time. I can't recall how long, but I do remember the Fed cutting interest rates in 2003 when the economy had turned AND the stock market. We had the same inverted yield curve in 2007 and Ben Bernanke also said it was a conundrum. I happened to find things where many other idiots bought into this scheme. Every single time we're told, this time it's different. Yeah sure!!! Every inverted yield curve leads to a recession. Plain and simple folks. Just look at this USA Today article back in 2007. Who looks stupid now??? It took longer for the recession to occur that time, maybe it's why the recession is HARDER on people than it ever has been. Fools like Bernanke and clowns like this who tell us, oh no this time it's different, ARE THE PROBLEM! But we're going to give The Fed more power?? Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense to me (NOT)

So Barack Obama wants to give The Fed even more power, thought they don't have to answer to anyone. They're not opening their books cuz they say it's a risk to the financial system if we the people know which firms are participating in their commercial paper program and by how much, etc. It would leave the firms vunerable if the public was to know that detail.

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO TRANSPARENCY OBAMA!!!!!!!!!! If Obama truly wanted transparency (it would help if investors actually knew what was on bank balance sheets. Then the market would just sell the bad ones and not EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, as we saw this past fall. Every bank, good or bad, got CRUSHED. WHY? NO TRANSPARENCY.

You want transparency, well then all of this off-balance sheet garbage sahould become ILLEGAL. Why did Enron fail??? Why did nobody know what was going on with Enron? Oh off balance sheet debt. They used off balance sheet shananigans to falsify earnigns statements. But that's ok we'll solve all this with Sarbanes Oxley. All that did was make small companies go off the public markets rather than be bankrupted by this cost and what did it solve? It didn't solve this. So does Barack Obama really think putting the lack of transparent, Federal Reserve in greater power going to help the system??

All this is, is change. Not for the better. It's just change. Just liek Sarbanes Oxley was change and it didn't work. This will eventually show up with flaws as well. All you need is a business cycle downturn for it to begin.

In this country, capitalism is the way it rolls. So you have to take the good, from the boom times, with the bad which are the downturns. The smart people see the downturns and don't get burned by it as bad. The dumb people get into the upturn too late and ride it all the way down and then get out as it's almost done. But that's the wya this country rolls. OBama said we can have this boom and bust anymore. Well, that means capitalism dies. Well he's done a good job at making America die. This financial regulatory change, is just more wasted money to fool the people.

It's not more regulation, it's regulators actually doing their jobs!! The only new regulation that should be out there is something to regulate credit default swaps, and things that put the taxpayers at risk with AIG. As new financial products come out, someone needs to be in charge of regulating that. Someone who understands what the product is andhow it works.

I think Barack Obama forgets there's a lot of us out here that are calling on the Fed to be audited. Force them to open up their books and let the taxpayer know exactly what they're doing that risks the financial well being of all Americans. If you agree that we as Americans should know what's happened to $2 trillion, I encourage you to put your name on this petition that is growing by the day.

Remember we don't work for the government, they work for us!! But they also don't listen. LEts force it on them. force their hand. Make it the will of the people!! We can't just sit back and complain, we have to take action. I've put my name to it and I think everyone should know what is going on with their tax dollars.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Health Care to bankrupt America

We're learning more and more about the spin the government is putting into their health care plan. Just remember my bias. I'm one of the uninsured in America today and even I am against bankrupting the country to give free healthcare to people, because 1.) You cannot trust the U.S. government and 2.) It as the potential to bankrupt the country and ruined everything for everyone.

So today, Nancy Mussolini (D-CA) blasted the Congressional Budget Office for providing the worst case scenario. Hmmm.. didn't the budget deficit projections go up to over 1.8 trillion dollars just a month or so ago?? Well was that first budget a worse case scenario? Doesn't seem like it considering it went higher. Then I hear this lowlife Chris Dodd say this:

Same guy who was getting special treatment from Countrywide for mortages. Isn't that lovely!!

Oh why am I showing Glenn Beck? Like me he's SICK OF THE SPENDING!!! Government would do much better to let the people decide what is best for them and not control our lives! He's the only guy on FoxNews worth watching also. the rest can rot with their liberal ways. Not saying O'Reilly and Hannity are, but they're both crooked pieces of vermin! Hypocrites in their own right, especially O'Reilly!!

Actions show deficits of Obama can screw America

As has been stated by numerous areas, the insane amount of spending that's going on from the Socialist administration of George W. Bush, and now the Marxist Administration of 'The Messiah' is creating problems.

As Americans sit here and take the pounding of lies from the government that the economy is recovering, China, who has been the credit card for the liberal fools that spend beyond their means and can't pay their bills, China is taking action. For those who are so naive to say oh China needs us, or they have nowhere else to put their money, or that their domestic economy isn't good enough that they will suffer, I bring you to this article which tells you that china is slowing cutting back on their exposure to the U.S.A. debt.

The Chinese laughed straight in poor Timmy Geithner's face a few weeks ago. They're smarter than Americans who are dumbed down by the New York Slimes and the government/media complex that give you numbers to dispute any logical reasoning.

We all know deficits are bad. You have seen the effects in your own lives with poor financial decisions and the stress it gives you, the interest you pay on debt goes up as you borrow more. Most Americans are pathetic with money because our school system never teaches all children at a young age about money. Why not? Who cares about algebra, we're not all going to use it. Everyone is going to deal with money and monetary situations but nobody teaches it. What happens if China continues on this path?? Well the finance deficits the government needs to borrow or print money. Bernacke is already printing money thatis being cut out od the credit sector since banks realize being under the gov't TARP program is terrible for them, but they're not going to lend to deadbeats who can't afford to pay their bills either. BTW, theose ten banks still are under the heaving TARP restrictions that the crooked Senator Dodd placed in the $787 billion fraud bill with money going to make tunnels for turtles, while we fire Inspector Generals that uncover fraud.

For example, today we learn that jobless claims rose last week to 608.000. Of course that's not positive but the government will tell you that the number of people collecting unemployment dropped. Considering we had 345,000 jobs lost last month (my guess it that it will be revised higher but who knows) I'd like to know how it is possible at such a huge number that people are going off the unemployment rolls. There's one solution to that. You can only collect unemployment for so long and then you go off the rolls. With jobs still being lost, and less people collecting unemployment, it just means that they're still not finding work, but cannot collect anymore. Is that a green shoot?? Doesn't sound like it, but the government will not say they can't find work. They'll say oh there's less peopel collecting uncomployment, that's a good thing.

The spending craze Obama is on will only lead to higher rates of interest. I find it truly interesting that we have Treasury yields moving higher while people are getting laid off and nobody is finding a job out there. Just think about it for one second. If the gov't has the best credit rating, the rate of interest they pay will be the lowest of anyone borrowing money. If you take China out of the equation, now how to do you others to throw more money our way to make up for it?? Well you pay a higher interest rate. and if the government's interest rate is going up, it means yours is as well when you need to borrow.

This bologna that Obama and the liberal media throw out at you is not something to believe. China has already begun to take action and did so in April. That was two months ago. What has been going on in the long term bonds the past two months?? What's going on with mortgages?? Rates are soaring!! That won't be good for new home buyers, etc. as they try to get he housing market goingto get an economic recovery. So.... is green shoots dead??

My thought process is still that we'll have a weak government infused economic recovery that craters when the stimulus has been exhausted. At that point hopefully the foreclosure boom will be over and we'll just stagnate and then will the Fed be able to wthdraw that huge balance sheet to prevent inflation. Nothing Obama has done has been good for credit expansion, etc. to bring back a true economic recovery. It's just that we don't have large institutions collapsing to freak out traditional liberal Americans that believe 'The Messiah' with no business experience will be able to save us.

Will Obama's own party turn on him?

In my post about the stimulus and the fraud that it is and the corrupt places you may be seeing your money go to, I made some mention of the Inspector General for AmeriCORPS getting fired.

There was a law written a last year that said the President needs to give Congress 30 days, and a reason for the firing of an attorney. Just so you know, Then Senator Barack Obama, co-sponsored this bill. It was written by Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill and she has spoken out. Now since it this law is not in his interest being in the executive branch, just like he said screw the Constitution, he's just said screw that law I co-sponsored last year. To hell with the law, I am Barack Obama, 'The Messiah.'

Given this news, today Obama comes out and says that Walpin was "disoriented" and "confused."

Here's my issue. One he uncovered over $400,000 in misuse of taxpayer dollars. Apparently the one thing that Obama can bring up is that Walpin mentioned something about this during the campaign of Kevin Johnson while he was running for Mayor of Sacramento (in which he won) and he had a suspension as the CEO from St. HOPE, a charitable organization Kevin Johnson founded. And they're trying to say that he interfered with Kevin Johnson's campaign to be mayor as 100% of the facts were not out yet. This is what the Obama Administration will use. And this man will not be reinstated to his job because it was Obama's buddy!

As you see Glenn Beck said he'd have more on this tomorrow (which was Wednesday.) So here ya go??

Hey, the RATS went nuts when Bush fired 8 attorney's!! This guy saves taxpayer's over $400,000 but because it was an Obama friend, he gets the boot. Obama is basically telling you once again the kind of dictator that he is. What did Walpin do wrong? He found the misuse of taxpayer funds AND there's been an agreement for reimbursement. It's not like St. HOPE was denying the charges, which would then be alleged charges. Walpin was right on and saved taxpayer money and gets the boot becuase it was an Obama friend.

so when you deaf, dumb, and bling rejects out there continue to think Obama is great. Remember he's stickin it to you. The tax the rich on;y goes so far. As I've said before, states like New York, New Jersey and California are losing those people. that's why the budgets are crumbling. they've taxed the shit out of the wealthy and they say screw it, I'm moving somewhere else cuz I can. The poor can't. Whose left holding the bag?? That's right. So when Obama fires someone who actually does his job and he's gone after CANNOTS as well as RATS, he's not some partisan piece of garbage, this is what you learn.

Obama is not about protecting the taxpayer money (it showed with Chrysler and GM as they will not survive long term if the plans stay true. Chrysler it is and GM we're still waiting to see what goes on with Delphi as I reported earlier.) Obama is about he himself and his cronies. JUST LIKE BUSH WAS!!! Setting up war in Iraq cuz it didn't have the strong WMDs that he stil lclaims he was told. I don't beleive it. I believe right now this was about getting back over daddy and for Dick cheney is was about military contracts for Halliburton, where he was a former executive. Like I said, since when was Halliburton in the food business? I always thought they were an oil services company. Yet they were charging the tax payer $16 per dish ($16, I can have something really nice for $16 a dish.) Per dish, it means if you got a 2nd helping as someone i nthe military, you got charges another $16. It's why they call it politics. So what change do you think you got?? It's no change at all, just more liberal than the socialist Bush, WHO BEGAN ALL THIS BULLSHIT!!!!

He's not telling you to real details to his healthcare plan. But he has the most transparent administration in history. That's why he fired IG's beyond the scope of the law for saving taxpayer dollars because Obama and his friends want to rob the Treasury more than Hanky Panky and Bush did. That's a scary thought too... They'll give you that TARP crap and the $68 billion they got back today. It's just gonna go to bailout California or the New York Slimes that nobody wants to read anymore! Why do you think they're going out of business. Why? You think people care for that stuff. If they did the company wouldn't be in such disarray would it?? I don't think so.

In the end, we know the RATS will be like 'Oh the Messiah' we support you. You just hear a word hear and there that makes you want to have some hope. It's all a game in my opinion and you will see this guy who actually looks out for your tax dollars lose his job. Because what Barack really wants is more corruption and more of his friends to get wealthy. That whole spread the wealth idea wasn't for us middle class people in hopes to have something to become wealthy someday. It was more rob from us and help his friends. The spread the wealth really meant, spread it to his friends. No... I know you don't get it do you??? That's because you're too busy watching what Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are doing at the L.A. Zoo!!! That's all you care care. Yeah I had to look up celebrity gossip to find out what's retarded in the news to day that the idiots of America actually care about. Like Ashlee Simpson gives a damn about you? She doesn't trust me.

All I care about is saving this system. Keep America great, don't waste tax dollars so we can get tax cuts and make the economy thrive over time. It will help the free market it will improve the wealth of most citizens and not just the elite few Obama wants! Lower taxes is good for America, not bad. there comes a point where taxes get too low and it becomes hurtful but if we weeded out corruption, like Inspector General Gerald Walpin did, we'd be much better off as a nation.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Awww. poor alphabet acronyms of taxpayer programs aren't working?

In a not so surprising piece of new, the Federal Reserve got ZERO requests from investors looking to buy Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (outside of credit cards, the next leg to fall) via TALF (Term Asset Backed Securities Loan Facility.)

Go read the spin in the article about them beign long term in nature and that it was only CMBS for this year, yadda yadda yadda.

FACE IT!! Investors are fed up with your made up shenanigans. Why would any investor in their right mind want to do this now. Of course we see how PPIP isn't going so well. There's plans to cancel it because of the green shoots which all of us with half a brain know is a fraud, just like Obama's $787 billion stimulus plan and creating or saving 3.5 million jobs. PUHLEEZE!!!

NOTE TO THE GOVERNMENT. Nobody wants in because nobody trusts you. If you could be trusted, I'd even be on your side with your plans to socialize healthcare but the government cannot be trusted. there's fraud and corruption all over the joint. And I've pointed to those like John Kerry who support Hezbollah, to not paying his taxes, just like Charles Rengel. Oh and everyone in Obama's cabinet. Dick (and he really is one) Durbin and his insider trading. That's jsut new in 2009 that I have uncovered.

Until the government proves they are trustworthy, nobody of half a brain wants in and this garbage. That's why you get no bids. nobody cares. Commerical Real Estate is about to collapse with all the refinancing's that need to be done this year and a crummy credit market. HA!! But according to Moody's oh there's no problem in CMBS. Yeah and my grandmother came back to life and mowed her lawn yesterday too. Just like subprime mortgages were AAA rates. Ruight? Right Moody's?? You're part of this disaster. DON'T THINK WE DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU! That's why David Einhorn and Greenlight Capital are short Moody's. Yeah he called Lehman and he called Allied Capital. What a call I thought Allied would consistently get government support but I guess as the Treasury has gone broke, they could not longer bailout Allied for their fraud that John Kerry helped make happen with the SBA.

Yeah America, your politicians. they're all corrupt!! And then you vote them into office. Really really sad.

Oh that stimulus package

In February, Marxist Barack Obama (though scared to death of the other dictators around the world) PUSHED through an economic stimulus package with his liberal cronies in Congress. Of course RepubiCANNOTS were voting against it, but only to play party politics as they allowed every spending measure by socialist George W. Bush (don't give me that crap about conservative, he was a liberal socialist.) Majority of us rational people in America, which I guess might be the 40% that claim to be conservatives based on the recent Gallup Poll. We're the ones that know wasting tax dollars to save deadbeats is not the way to go.

First off $44 billion has gone out and IF Joe Biden is correct and 150,000 jobs have been saved, they are already off pace on jobs. If you take that number and factor out $787 billion, that's saving just under 2.7 million jobs. What it means is that as taxpayers we have spent almost $300,000 per job. Wouldn't you like to make $300,000 a year. How about $249,999 so you aren't on Obama's shit list! Rational and normal Americans realize. How about election fraud and ACORN still getting $5 billion in stimulus money. We all know fraud doesn't matter though. Politics is all that matter with Obama. Are you a community organizer?? If so, he'll take care of you. Jsut go look at the story not being talked about much of the Inspector General finding fraud with St. Hope in Sacramento. Now Obama has fired this attorney andf not given congress the 30 day review. The same legislation he sponsored while a Senator. That's more of obama changing the rules to suit himself. I think to him, that law applies only when a CANNOT is President. Because if a RAT like Obama is in there, any other one of the RATS can do the same thing which is ok. But if a CANNOT finds wasteful tax spending and over $400,000 of it that was agreed to be paid back (I'm waiting for the Marxist to tell him not to worry about it.)

Common, didn't Kevin Johnson make enough money as an NBA basketball player. An All Star point guard for the Suns. That wasn't enough. He needs to corrupt America and the bankrupt California some more. I['m waiting for the federal bailout. Biden and Company are saying not. BUT socialist Bush said no to the auto companies and when the dire time came what did ihe do??? Oh alright. It's the same thing Iran and North Korea are lookiong to do to america. But everyone supports Obama. Why? This is the same bullshit we got under Bush!! Weak imposters. China gives the oh we're going to sell your debt. Well if you're going to, someone else needs to buy it. I don't think you're going to give it away are you. It's already out there so for every seller there's a buyer. Which is what cracks me up about the retards at CNBC or Bloomberg that will say buyers are in force are there's massive selling on Wall St. on a down day. There's just as much buying as selling. Why don't you use an intelligent line like supply and demand. When demand is higher, markets go up, when supply is higher, markets go down in price. It's that simple. If I sell a stock, someone else is buying that. DUH!!! So this China threatened to get rid of our debt is no big deal to me. The real threat is noy buying more of it. that's the worry because america is a greedy nation that doesn't live within it's means and cannot produce anything on it's own anymore. We're a bunch of puppets doing paperwork but can't make a damn thing.

So they're off on their plan though I'm sure they haven't save 150,000 jobs. Was 60,000 of those the census. So make that you've really saved 90,000 jobs. So you're going to save half of what you said. That what sounds more legit to me so each job you save cost taxpayers really like almost $500,000. That's what I'm seeing. Keep packing your fuzzy math to liberal america. You can't prove saving jobs. All we know is you said if we didn't rush to pass this stimulus, unemployment would reach 9%. Well we're at 9.4% and it's going higher. I bet it goes over 10.3% which was the worst case scenario of the "so called stress test."

You lie and lie and there's fruad all over the place in this stimulus. Building a guard rail around a lake in Kansas but the lake doesn't exist. Yet the government funds the project. Like what the hell is that? That's our money you dingbat. I think if there's fraud, Barack Obama and his cabinet should be fined for that amount. Take it out of your own pocket so the nation doesn't suffer. You wanted to do such good for your country. Do it! Stop screwing over americans so we can pay higher taxes later cuz you wanna bailout your crooks in ACORN or any other community organizer group. Or maybe a hedge fund like Platinum Equity for the unions of Delphi and GM. You freggin fraud. I see past your bs and so does the rest of the intelligent Americans. Even Joe Biden says you guess wrong!!

For full disclosure I'll show the whole interview so I don't take anything out of context: Who do you believe?? They guessed wrong?? Hmm I don't want someone just GUESSING at what should happen.

The economy is getting better... But we lost 345,000 jobs last month (more jobs than any time pre the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy.) 345,000 jobs lost means better economy?? I find that as laughable as the green shoots! I'm going to guess that I'll make $3.5 million next year too.

Why does it seem like every crook is a RAT

You know Obama is going to cover this up. He will do anything for his fellow Democrat friend in Illinois. The other Democrat Senator that was with Obama in that state in years past. He and Obama were side by side, holding hands during all the Congressional things that have helped create the financial crisis.

This is the same Dick Durbin, now involved in an insider trading scandal, who I mentioned in a rant on MySpace before I started this blog. He was one of six Senators, who wants terrorists walking in his backyard. He's in Washington, what does he care what happened to the people of his state. If he can appease them to get elected, he's golden for his parachute health care that we'll all pay for and his salary, plus all the kickbacks he'll get. Dick Durbin is one of 6 senators who voted for giving Obama the money to close GITMO. Not Obama has been working really hard to find other nations to take on GITMO detainees. I'm not here to talk about those guys in Bermuda eating ice cream and living the high life for terrorizing America. That is CHANGE that Americans wanted. They wanted terrorists free because they want our military jailed. Liberal Americans hate our country and it's why they support Obama shredding the Constitution so more companies cannot get DIP financing. so more companies cannot get loans and hence go bankrupt. they want the gov't to control everything in their lives. The goddamn government can't run a damn thing right but they want them controlling their lives. It's so disgusting. The lack of educatio has done this to them. As our school systems tell them that liberalness is great. Unions are great becuase the gov't will fuck over investors for their benefit. So join a union!! Oh shit, what do we do when there are no more investors. Oh you think we'll keep coming back for more right?? The only hope America has is that this may cease when this Marxist's time is done. Assuming the law doesn't change and he's there for 12,16, 20 years as President because if he's not we'll be called racist!!

So here we have Dick Durbin (and dick is proper for him) who loves the terrorists. I mean Osama bin Laden is probably this guy's best buddy. Now we got this crony who meets up With Hanky Panky and Bumbling balance sheet exploder Ben Bernanke. You've got to wonder the quality of the Fed's balance sheet getting into mortgage backed securities and TALF and the rest of the alphabet programs this Federal Reserve has. The next day after Dick meets with Bernanke and Hanky Panky, he's selling. He's getting out and trying to protect himself. He gets the Warren Buffet is gonna save Government Sachs and General Electric, whose going to help Obama push the green gig. Yeah they say he bought Berkshire but GS and GE didn't do that well at first but hey if Warren does it, in the end it should work out. So you think he's not profiting off it. common where's your head at?

I can hear you all now. 'Oh Dave, Obama wasn't elected yet.' You know McCain was put up there as a fall guy. How can the man go from nothing to winning the Republican nomination?? It was a set-up indeed. I've made it very clear to many people how we all know George W. Bush was a socialist. I'm sure I've mentioned it a couple times in this blog. George W. Bush wasa socialist and that's why he ran up deficits and didn't care to win in Iraq but cared more about gov't contracts to Halliburton (as I've said, when was Halliburton in the food services business?? But they supply our troops with food. Hmm. connections to Dick Cheney?? Naa... couldn't ever happen. PUHLEEZE ARE YOU DEAF, DUMB and BLIND. If so you are excused.)

George Bush was a socialist and knew that Barack Obama was the perfect person so he wanted Obama to be President. Why do you think this is a man that said, "I've abandoned free market principles to save the free market system." Does that make any sense whatsoever?? Only an alcoholic and former cocaine addict would come up with some bullshit line like that.

So this RAT Durbin who hates American and wants GITMO detainees roaming the streets of America to blow up the nation (thankfully the vote was 90-6 and he didn't get his way) also is no found in an insider trading scandal. This goes with the John Kerry tax cheat, all the tax cheats in the Obama Administration that you all so love dearly. Where does it end? WHERE?? When will one of you phony lowlife liberals realize all these guys in our government are corrupt and none of them are worth voting for. If you are so liberal, go vote for the green Party while I vote Libertarian. At least they're not corrupt parties. Not yet at least because everyone is getting off on the two party system because they don't have the brains to look beyond what the pathetic media tells them. As I said. if you wanted to vote for REAL CHANGE, YOU WOULD KICK OUT ALL THE RATS and ALL THE CANNOTS and start over. Yes there are some good people in both parties but I'll kick the mall out just to make sure I didn't get fooled.

I hope Durbin serves some time. If Martha Stewart serves time, he should two. FUCK HIM!!

This is the Obamanation

So this morning on the Zero Hedge blog, I get a link to an article about Delphi and their emergence from bankruptcy via trying to bailout.

Did you see that? Well, well well.... How can I even get mad anymore. If the freggin Supreme Court is scared to death of Barack Obama, why aren't foreign nations? It's because unlike Americans and the media and vermin in black robes, foreign leads know this man is a fraud. Why do you think the Chinese laugh at little Timmy Geithner who needs to rent his house to pay his mortgage (poor soul) I mean hell he's got control of billions of dollars he doesn't need to account to, yet he needs to rent his house. How can a man like that control so much??

So what I read here is that Platinum Equity is so linked to Government Motors and the former General Motors and since Steve Rattner, the car czar decides who lives and who dies (my will Government Run Healthcare be the same way.) It's scary but with dictatorship it can happen. I don't even have health insurance and I question this policy being what they claim it is. The government has lied to us so many times that I cannot trust a word from ANY OF THEM. Barack already has shown his lack of respect to the constitution and his fallacy for his economic stimulus package. Forget a forecast beign wrong, Joe Biden just said they guessed wrong. Guessed? So you just toss out a number and don't do any due diligence behind it? What good are you, I can get a chimpanzee to pick my stocks for me as well.

What you see in this article is even worse than Chrysler. This is not an even playing field at all. The government is using it's leverage to now tell DIP financier's that they're worthless pieces of garbage as well. If it wasn't for JP Morgan who knows where the financial system would be. Hanky Panky made them take $25 billion. Jami Dimon is one hell of a CEO. Not a phony fraud like Barack Obama is. One of the few CEOS that is not a phony fraud. He says it like it is. And Barack wants to screw J.P. Morgan's $4.5 billion is DIP financing for Platinum Equity. FUCK PLATINUM EQUITY!! They're getting a bialout on taxpayer dollars. Screw them!! Thank you Judge Drain for being such a man about this and trying to empower what is right. I'm sure the gov't will remove you from the case to get their way and Platinum will have what they wanted on our dime. As I say... this unconsitutional crap is all the more reason to IMPEACH OBAMA!! Hell Bill Clinton got impeached for lying about a blow job. Barack Obama has no respect for the Constitution. Only his union friends. To hell with him. Go back to Kenya or Idonesia, we don't need you here. You can learn to quit smoking and run marathons like a real Kenyan or learn to drill for OIL over in Indonesia. Maybe if you get involed you can destroy the oil industry like you are destroying America and we can all have cheap gas again, rather than watch it rise 48 consecutive days as more and more people lose their jobs. Yeah demand is soaring it must be. No your spending is soaring and destroying the dollar that's why oil is soaring and who is getting screwed. Not you. You fly Air Force One and who pays for that jet fuel. WE DO!!! Piece of rotten scum!! We pay that jet feld, that pilot. And we pay double at times too. So you can to the Middle East while Michelle goes shopping in Paris? That's two flights. You weren't there too later. Than she stays there while you go back here. That's more wasted tax dollars for her greed and luxury lifestyle. I'm sick of paying for your wife's luxury.

And you want to talk about creating savings in the budget and in healthcare by nationalizing it. Why so Michelle can waste more shit on taxpayer dollars. Puhleeze I'm not an idiot, I know what is going on and you can't talk your bs game. I don't care what these conservative talk shows say. I hear them and I don't really care what they say. I'm pointing to things YOU DO that PROVE TO ME YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT CUTTING COSTS. You hate business and will want to screw doctors over. The sad part is reform is needed but you're going to screw it all up. JUST LIKE YOU DID GM AND CHRYSLER. YOU FUCKED IT ALL UP OBAMA!! YOU SHIT ON OUT CONSTITUTION

Do you people think that the public option this lowlife is claiming is going to be fair. You'll be sick and need a transplant they'll run your voting history and say ahh. screw them they can die, they vote against me in the election. They can find out anything about you. Especially when your medical records go online. There's traces to everything. How do legitmate towns make sure u don't vote twice. Well that piece they stick in the voting machine is a link to you. So trust me the governemtn can find out who you voted for in particular. I'm the right wing extremist that votes Libertarian because I'm sick of the liberals in both parites. This Congress is full of them.

Why do you think I am crazy for saying this?? This Marxist has already done it!! He just did it to the senior secured lenders at Chrysler. He's trying to do it with the DIP financier's for Delphi. He's all about unions that vote for him and not about law or the U.S. Constitution, yet you uneducated bums that learned nothing about the Constitution. No that wasn't 1776 people, that was Septemer 17th, 1787. Obama shit on it and you fooling around morons think it's a great thing and still support this idiot. He lost ALL of my respect. After he got elected I said I hoped he stay centrist like his campaign but I didn't trust it. Ask my brother, I told him I had little faith in it. Look at all the double talk and the Marxism you've seen in 5 months. And you support this. His approval ratings are high so you dumb clowns that hate america, support this garbage!! WAKE UP, YOU ARE NEXT!!!

What I hate about bringing up the socialized medicine idea is that the 'idea' that the Marxist has mention in principle sounds like a good idea, though I doubt he's figure out a way to pay for it and only tax those making more than $250,000 a year, a lie for a campaign promise that will show up here. More lies, more bullshit, more of a fraud, that's the CHANGE YOUR VOTED FOR!! He's going to tax the hell out of everyone cuz he's a lying piece or trash like George Bush Sr. was with 'Read my lips, no new taxes.' No wonder you lost the election in 1992 you idiot. Because raising taxes brigns in intelligence that brings out the best in people right. Sticking it in their ass is really the way to make them enjoy it!! Yeah just lovely.

My question to you is... what is any different from any of the past polticians? They're all freggin liars and you illiterate, incompent morons don't care what this dictator's voting record states, you only care about what he says, none of which is true.

All I can say is something my mother always said to me. ACTIONS SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS!! But dumbed down America doesn't take the time to look at actions, they just say, oh Obama is gonna save the world. Yeah looks like he did a great job in Iran saying lets have diplomatic talks with a fraud leader. And he will trust me!! Iran will just take advantage. This isn't like the Soviet Union in the cold war where both sides made concession and both sides followed thru. Iran won't and you already see North Korea isn't. But this impostor will continue to give in and give in. Will he EVER ONCE defend the American people. Not the UAW, the real American people. The law that way it is on the books, etc. If the asshole wanted to rewrite law, he fucked up his change as a Senator. and even bills he sponsored he's turning on. Just look at the Inspector General case in California. He's a fraud and a phony. He's screwing over America every day he is President and you're too caught up in the life of a multimillionaire in Hollywood that could give a shit less if you died right now. Pathetic!! You can'teven look at what directly affects your life!! And yes, this stuff with bankruptcy does cuz well Six Flags just went Chapter 11. In the futire there will be no Chapter 11, unelss it's government capital. So if you likes goingto Six Flags, sorry Obama started it. no way to re-emerge from bankruptcy. Done, finished, over!! Lots of Chapter 7s and lots more job losses. Thanks to the Marxist himself that you idiots love so much!